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Le blogue de la Fédération est un espace virtuel qui permet aux chercheur.euse.s et aux membres de la communauté des sciences humaines de discuter respectueusement des idées et des enjeux qui touchent cette dernière. Veuillez consulter le règlement du blogue de la Fédération pour les informations de soumission.

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Getting a Life: The Social Worlds of Geek Culture

When someone asks you where the idea for a research project came from, there’s a right and a wrong answer. The right one is about debates in the field and gaps in the literature, and it presupposes what you eventually discovered. I find the wrong one...

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Canada needs to confront the causes of a post-truth world

This op-ed was originally published by Canadian Science Policy Centre on October 10, 2017. One day, the U.S. president is taunting North Korea, treating nuclear conflict like it’s WrestleMania. The next, he glibly dismisses racial injustice in...

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Présences intermittentes des Amériques

Ce livre est inspiré de ma thèse de doctorat et répond à une question bien précise : qu’est-ce que le sujet québécois peut apprendre du contact littéraire avec l’écriture chicana? J’ai commencé à m’interroger sur ce sujet alors que je voyageais moi...

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Big Picture at #congressh: Storytelling in the Digital Era

Guest blog by Karen Leiva, Congress 2017 blogger The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences brings together leading thinkers, academics, researchers, policy-makers and innovators to explore some of the world’s most challenging issues...

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Eight ways to dive into Digital Humanities

We've all heard that digital tools can help enhance our research, teaching, and dissemination. That said, it's not always clear how to get started. On May 27 and 28, the DHSI@Congress will return to Congress for its fourth year. The series features...

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The Lowdown on Big Data

Who’s doing big data? Based on the buzz that the term has been creating since the turn of the century, perhaps a better question is who isn’t doing big data. Certainly the awareness of giant datasets and their potential to be mined for good, or ill...