Federal Election 2011: Week two roundup

April 8, 2011

This week, election news was filled with party platform announcements, with a few relevant post-secondary initiatives.

The Liberals released a platform on Monday outlining a Veterans’ Learning Benefit, and proposed lifting the cap for Aboriginal student funding as well as creating a Canada Métis scholarship program and refinancing the First Nations University. The Liberals also promised to restore the long-form census.

The Green Party’s platform proposes an increase to federal transfers to the provinces for PSE, funding for a needs-based Canadian National Student Loan and Bursary program and measures to eliminate student debt.

Also focusing on federal transfers to provinces, the Bloc Québécois platform states, « Le Bloc Québécois continuera de protéger le choix politique que le Québec a fait de développer sa propre politique d’enseignement universitaire et de frais de scolarité et exigera que le gouvernement fédéral transfère au gouvernement du Québec les sommes qu’il économise sur le dos des étudiantes et étudiants québécois grâce aux crédits fédéraux sur les frais de scolarité. »

The Conservative Party announced Thursday that it would provide loans to newcomers for skills training and upgrading so their credentials can be recognized in Canada. Their platform, released today, echoes Budget 2011 by promising to enhance loans for part-time students, support research partnerships through the granting councils and implement their digital economy strategy.

The NDP platform is due to be released Sunday, in time for Tuesday’s leaders’ debate.

Looking for more information on the parties? Check out their platforms:




