Executive Committee | Committee on EDID | Governance & Nominating Committee | Finance & Audit Committee | Policy and Programs Committee
The Executive Committee assists the Board by acting on behalf of the Board to address:
- time-sensitive or highly confidential matters that arise between board meetings;
- the performance appraisal and compensation of the President and Chief Executive Officer; and
- an annual review of the Directors and Officer Liability Insurance Policy on behalf of the Board.
The members of the 2023-24 Executive Committee are:
- Annie Pilote, Committee Chair
- Stéphane Grenier
- Barrington Walker
- Penny Bryden
- Sylvia Bawa
The Committee on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (EDID) assists the Board by providing advice on strategies to support EDID within the Federation’s activities. From time to time, Committee members may also be called upon to participate on behalf of the Federation in strategic outreach and/or consultations on EDID issues.
The Committee currently consists of four Board members and one non-Board member. Current members of the 2023-24 Committee on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization are:
- Sylvia Bawa, Committee Chair
- Charmain Levy
- Shannon Dea
- Rheanna Robinson (non-Board member)
- Melanie Griffith Brice (non-Board member)
The Governance and Nominating Committee assists the Federation’s Board by providing:
- strategic oversight, insight, and foresight with respect to its overall development, including the effectiveness, impact, and procedures of its committees;
- Board member orientation and education; and
- Board succession planning.
In preparation for the annual Board election, the Governance and Nominating Committee meets following the close of nominations to review the list of candidates for all vacant Board positions submitted by the members and the Board, and put forward a slate of recommended candidates for election at the Annual Meeting.
The members of the 2023-24 Governance & Nominating Committee are:
- Annie Pilote, Committee Chair
- Barrington Walker
- Temitope Oriola
- David Malloy
The Finance & Audit Committee assists the Federation’s Board in fulfilling its governance responsibilities by providing strategic oversight on the Federation’s financial matters, including financial reporting and financial disclosures.
The members of the 2023-24 Finance & Audit Committee are:
- Stéphane Grenier, Treasurer and Committee Chair
- Annie Pilote
- Barrington Walker
- Jing (Jenny) Chen
- Penny Bryden
The Policy & Programs Committee assists the Federation’s Board by providing strategic oversight, insight, and foresight with respect to its policy, advocacy, and programs.
The members of the 2023-24 Policy & Programs Committee are:
- Penny Bryden, Committee Chair
- Jing (Jenny) Chen
- Debra Thonpson
- David Malloy