EDID Initiatives Fund

Overview | Purpose | Context | Objectives | Value and duration, eligibility, evaluation, rules and guidelines | Terms of Reference | *new* EDID Initiatives Fund archives


The EDID Initiatives Fund is intended to support scholarly associations' initiatives that advance Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (EDID) by providing up to $3,000 in financial support

  • Value: Up to $3,000
  • Duration: For initiatives requiring a maximum of 24 months to complete
  • Results announced: April

Incomplete applications will not be considered.

If you have questions, please contact the Lead, Policy - EDID, Ioana Dumitru at idumitru@federationhss.ca.

Apply now.


The purpose of the EDID Initiatives Fund is to advance EDID Initiatives led by scholarly association members of the Federation throughout the year and beyond Congress. The fund has been created by the Federation as part of its action plan to implement the 2021 "Igniting Change" report


The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences ("the Federation") will pilot the EDID Initiatives Fund in 2023. We recognize that diversity is a source of strength that promotes a culture of excellence, innovation, flexibility, and adaptability that thrives from the contributions of all our members. We accept, value, promote and celebrate EDID within the Federation, and encourage our members to do the same.

Recognizing EDID is necessary to mitigate how access to, and success within, scholarly associations have been shaped by histories of discriminatory ideas, attitudes, policies, processes, and practices. Initiatives by scholarly associations that support EDID through capacity building, developing policies and resources, and improving access for equity-deserving groups affirms the ongoing change and need for diversity and inclusion within our Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) community. 


  • To advance awareness and understanding of EDID, including anti-racism, keeping in mind intersecting issues such as Indigeneity, gender, race, sexuality, language, religion, and accessibility.
  • To promote diversity and inclusion through initiatives that bring together members of the community for exchange of ideas, learning, and professional development around EDID subjects.
  • To address recommendations from Igniting Change: Final Report and Recommendations, and contribute to EDID in the social sciences and humanities.
  • To assist scholarly associations with the aim of creating more inclusive, Indigenized, and decolonized knowledge production and safe spaces in the social sciences and humanities.
  • To celebrate the diverse contributions of women, Indigenous peoples, visible/racialized minorities, persons with disabilities, and LGBTQ2S+ in our scholarly associations and HSS community.

Associations can apply for up to $3,000 in financial support for EDID initiatives, up to a maximum of 50% of the total costs of the initiative. The funds will remain available for use for 24 months from the date the agreement was signed and completed.

Each association must clearly address how their proposed initiative addresses one or more of the following: accessibility, decolonization, disability justice, anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion; and display how the initiative will advance their association’s work in EDID. Each proposed initiative is expected to achieve at least one of the following points:

  • Create equitable and inclusive access and participation during the association’s activities for their members;
  • Advance decolonization and reconciliation with Indigenous communities, and collaborate to increase equitable opportunities for BIPOC students, scholars, and communities;
  • Address critical conversations about anti-racism, including an intersectional lens that makes visible the impact of multiple forms of systemic discrimination.

Initiatives can include:

  • Developing a strategic plan and action program that embeds a commitment to the importance of equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization;
  • Creating an ongoing action, initiative, or program that helps members from equity-seeking groups feel welcome and included;
  • Generating a tool or practice that provides accommodations for an equity-seeking group, e.g. increased accessibility for people with disabilities, or is designed to address racism;
  • Designing an initiative or action aiming at adapting or changing procedures, policies, or practices to make them fair or more inclusive;
  • Pursuing an initiative that fosters inclusive excellence in achieving diversity, equity, inclusion, and decolonization goals.


Any scholarly association that is a member in good standing (a member who has paid their membership fees and whose certificate of registration is not suspended) of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is eligible to apply for the EDID Initiatives Fund.
Associations are each eligible to make two applications per year, with one initiative per application.
Applications must include:

  • The name of the scholarly association requesting funds
  • Contact information (full name, telephone number, and email) for the primary contact
  • The name of the initiative
  • An overview of the initiative including the purpose
  • How the initiative will meet the minimum requirements outlined within the eligibility section
  • An expected budget outlining expenses and additional funding sources
  • The total amount of funds requested from the Federation. 

Priority will be given to first-time EDID funding submissions. 


  • Successful applicants will be informed of the decision via email. Applicants will then be asked to sign and complete an agreement within 15 days.
  • Once an association has been granted funding, they are responsible for settling initiative costs upfront. The Federation will process reimbursement after the completion of the initiative and upon timely submission of reports and receipts.
  • Scholarly associations must collect valid documentation and submit detailed receipts for all expenditures that are requested to be funded by the Federation.
  • Associations must submit a completed post-initiative form that details the outcomes, impact, and number of participants reached by the initiative, alongside receipt documentation to receive reimbursement.
  • Funds allocated for the EDID initiatives will remain available for use for 24 months from the date the agreement was signed and completed.
  • Reimbursement is at the discretion of the EDID Adjudication Committee

EDID Adjudication Committee
The EDID Standing Committee Members will make recommendations regarding the EDID Initiatives Fund applications.

Evaluation Process
The Federation will verify that the application meets the minimum standards outlined in the eligibility requirements. The Federation will assess applications and assign scores for how well it measures against the evaluation criteria below.

Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated on:

  • The initiative’s contributions towards the advancement of EDID objectives and goals;
  • The initiative’s benefits to, or impact on the HSS community;
  • The degree to which the initiative
    • Increases awareness and understanding of EDID within the association
    • Creates inclusive environments for individuals from Indigenous, racialized, and equity deserving communities
    • Addresses EDID matters within the HSS community
    • Highlights diversity and inclusion within the HSS community;
  • Clarity, feasibility, and quality of the application, timeline, and likelihood of how and when the listed objectives will be met.
  • Include the following acknowledgement in their programs: “With support from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences’ EDID Initiatives Fund”
  • The association should acknowledge the Igniting Change report and the Charter on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization in the Social Sciences and Humanities in their promotional materials for the EDID initiative. 

The EDID Initiatives Fund: Terms of Reference

Download the Terms of Reference.

Download the Budget template.

EDID Initiatives Fund Archives

  • Guide pédagogique du français inclusif et non binaire
  • Increasing inclusion, diversity, and engagement with EDID at the 2025 CAIS Conference
  • Indigenizing Scholarly Journals
  • Erasure Poetry as Pedagogical Praxis: Exploring De/colonization with Undergraduate International Students in Canada
  • Clubs de lecture queer francophone
  • Dignity, Equity, and Justice at the Canadian Theological Society's Conference
  • Equitable Field Education: Advancing Anti-Racism in Social Work Practice
  • Black Caucus Research Assistant
  • Online Workshop Series
  • Lunch and Learn Professional Development Series
  • We Need to Talk About the Backlash – What is to Be Done?
  • Charte de l'écriture inclusive - Frais de participation au Congrès des membres de l'équipe
  • Mentorship Initiative for BIPOC graduate students
  • Indigenous perspectives on human-environment reciprocity: expanding principles on community sustainability
  • EDID Travel Grant
  • Student Accessibility Coordinator Conference
  • BIPOC Caucus 
  • Emerging Scholars and EDID Funding Program
  • Charte de l’écriture inclusive
  • Action Plan on Decolonizing and Indigenizing the Professional Association
  • 50th Journal Anniversary
  • Access for All: A Long-Term and Robust Hybrid Approach to Studies
  • Taking action toward more inclusive, diverse, equal, and fairer knowledge production
  • Webinar Funding Program
  • Community Panel: Racialized Voices Shaping Social Justice
  • Capacity Building Workshop
  • Au-delà de l’inclusion : pour une pédagogie critique, intersectionnelle et décolonisante
  • Reconciling Food Systems Workshop,
  • Journey towards equity, diversity, inclusivity and decolonization
  • Antioppressive, Anti-racist, and DEI Training for Board members
  • Decolonizing Storytelling: Biidaaban: First Light Installation and Discussion
  • Learning from local Indigenous communities: Decolonizing university spaces through meaningful connections
  • Dignity, Equity, and Justice