Register now for Congress 2015!

January 6, 2015

Folks, the time has come!

Register today and become one of more than 8000 attendees expected to join the 2015 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, taking place May 30 to June 5, 2015 on the beautiful and bilingual campus of the University of Ottawa, in the heart of the nation’s capital.

Don’t dilly-dally!

Register by March 31 to benefit from early bird Congress rates, cheaper flights and more hotel options. With the return of warm weather in May and June, Ottawa will be bustling with festivals and tourists, here to enjoy Canada's lovely capital. Numerous events and conferences will be taking place simultaneously in this vibrant city. 

Booking your accommodations early will help you avoid disappointment and give you access to a wide range of discounted room rates. Now you can browse the list of available accommodation options, including on-campus residences. 

Find your tribe!

Nowhere else in Canada will you have the opportunity to meet with so many scholars and policy-makers from the humanities and social sciences gathered in one location. Approximately 70 scholarly associations will be present at Congress 2015, each holding their own conference. Wondering if your association is attending? Find out now.

We look forward to seeing you at Congress 2015!