Congress news #7

You are invited to join us at Congress tomorrow, May 31, for an unmissable special event: Re-imagining Black Futures, a keynote lecture by The Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, 27th Governor General, Commander-in-Chief of Canada and moderated by Adelle Blackett, F.R.S.C., Ad. E.  

Join The Rt. Hon. Michaëlle Jean in a discussion on the importance of Black histories in the Americas, and how Black thought and ideas help us work towards a more progressive and inclusive society for all.  

Re-imagining Black Futures

This lecture is made possible thanks to SAGE Publishing. The Big Thinking lecture series is made possible thanks to the generosity of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), York University, Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and Universities Canada.

To attend the keynote, please register for Congress via a community pass.

Registration is also possible on site. 

Better still, once you’ve arrived at York University there are so many events, lectures, and performances to enjoy before June 2, including: 

Becoming an Inclusive University: Making Space for Indigenous and Black Scholars

York University 

Indigenous Knowing and Climate Futures

Environmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC) 

Roundtable: Women, Peace and Security: Feminist Futures

Canadian Political Science Assocation (CPSA) 

Navigating Your Career Transition: Insight and Advice for Black, Indigenous, and Racialized Graduate Students Searching for Careers with Purpose

Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences 

And more, visit the Events calendar.