Association conferences

38 - Canadian Comparative Literature Association (CCLA)

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Call-for-papers deadline
Association email

Ce colloque bilingue de l’Association canadienne de littérature comparée / Canadian Comparative Literature Association (ACLC-CCLA) permettra de penser collectivement ce que notre approche comparatiste permet de créer comme pratiques de pensée, d’enseignement et de recherche durables.
This bilingual (and hopefully multilingual) conference of the Association canadienne de littérature comparée / Canadian Comparative Literature Association (ACLC-CCLA) will think through the notion of sustainability in its very untranslatability, and showcase the role of comparatists as thinkers shedding light on the multiple meanings of the concept, and actors in fostering more sustainable practices.
Nos réflexions sur la durabilité s’inscrivant dans la forme même de nos pratiques, ce colloque présentera la recherche comparatiste sous de multiples formats : présentations de recherche individuelle et collective, ateliers pratiques, présentations colingues et multilingues, démonstrations de recherche-création, etc.
As has been the case in the past, the event will feature innovative ways to produce and share research, promoting the role of research creation, collaborative methods, multilingual research and dissemination, and yet-to-be-named modes of presentation which promote the movement between languages, peoples and ways of thinking.

This conference is taking place virtually and may include sessions at non-Congress locations. Please review the conference program if available or contact your association for details.

Program Chair(s)
Jeanne Mathieu-Lessard, Université Trent

Local Arrangement Coordinator(s)
Margot Mellet, Université de Montréal

For more information, contact the association directly. Please note that conference registration fees are separate from the association’s membership fees.

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