Association conferences

58 - Society for Socialists Studies (SSS)

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Call-for-papers deadline
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Despite the rise of geopolitical tensions, ecological catastrophes, coordinated economic attacks on the vast majority of people, state repression of Indigenous land defenders and campaigners for racial justice, and openly fascistic defense of cis- and hetero-patriarchy, the green shoots of progressive and transformative movements are resurgent. From the return of Lula in Brazil to Indian Farmers at the head of the largest mobilization in human history to the struggle to Stop Cop City in Atlanta, across the world we can see serious cause for hope. In Canada, as elsewhere, a growing movement for climate justice and rising consciousness of workers’ struggles are coming together in nascent relationships with Indigenous-led struggles in defense of reclaimed lands and waters.
Facing these contradictions, the left must confront the dangers and opportunities of the moment. Thus, in drawing inspiration from this year’s Congress theme of “Sustaining Shared Futures,” the Society for Socialist Studies invites contributions on the work of building and Sustaining Socialist Futures.

This conference is taking place virtually and may include sessions at non-Congress locations. Please review the conference program if available or contact your association for details.

Download program Last update: 2024-05-02
Program Chair(s)
Phil Henderson, Carleton University
William Carroll, University of Victoria
Local Arrangement Coordinator(s)
Veldon Coburn, McGill University

For more information, contact the association directly. Please note that conference registration fees are separate from the association’s membership fees.

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