Open events

National Security & Intelligence: Special Session on Research Security

Association events, Sustaining shared futures
2001 McGill College - Room 461
This event is in person only

Chair/Président : Christian Leuprecht (Royal Military College & Queen's University)
Discussant/Commentatrice : Martha Crago (McGill University)
Discussant/Commentateur : Benjamin Fung (McGill University)
Senior federal civil servants from Innovation, Science and Development Canada, Public Safety Canada the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity discuss policy initiatives to safeguard national and economic security -- prevent foreign interference, manage risks, and help ensure trust in science as part of a broader framework of research integrity -- whilst protecting freedom of enquiry, promoting international research cooperation, and ensuring openness and non-discrimination.

Event descriptions and translation (if applicable) provided by the host organization and published in authenticity by the Federation.

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