January Communique

Federation news 

(Re) Discover season 1 of the Big Thinking Podcast

In November, the Federation launched the Big Thinking Podcast, a new show that features leading researchers in the humanities and social sciences in conversation about the most important and interesting issues of our time.

Here's the lineup of season 1:

Are pandemic times really unprecedented?

Madeleine Mant

University of Toronto

How does race shape the experiences, education, and achievements of Black youth?

Carl E. James

York University

Is bilingualism in peril in Canada?

François Larocque

University of Ottawa

What will hybrid or online learning look like going forward?

Terence Day

Simon Fraser University


Thi Kim Thu Le 

University of Windsor

What don't we understand about the war in Ukraine?

Natalia Khanenko-Friesen 

University of Alberta

Stay tuned for season 2 to be launched in February. Subscribe on Apple PodcastGoogle Podcast, and Spotify, or listen on the Federation website.

Be our next guest! Email us at communications@federationhss.ca.

Meet the Federation team

Discover the small but mighty team working behind the scene at the Federation. Our new staff page is live.

The Federation is hiring!

The Federation is hiring three (3) short-term Virtual Project Liaison Lead positions to support scholarly associations participating in Congress 2023. Learn more.

Nominations are open for the 2023 Board elections

The Federation is now accepting nominations for one (1) position on the Board of Directors. Members are invited to nominate qualified candidates for this position by Friday, February 3, 2023 at 12:30pm (ET). The election of new Board members will take place during the 2023 annual Meeting. To submit a nomination, please contact Lamis El-Zein at lelzein@federationhss.ca.

Join our ASPP Publications Committee!

If you would like to be part of the merit review process in our prestigious Award to Scholarly Publications Program, please send an email signaling your interest to aspp-paes@federationhss.ca.

Call for Black History Month content

Black History Month starts tomorrow and we will be sharing articles and resources throughout the month of February. If you have a story to tell, a reading list or articles you'd like to us to share via our blog or social media channels, please contact communications@federationhss.ca.

Congress news

We can't wait to welcome you to Congress

Explore what's in store at the 92nd reconvening of Canada's largest academic gathering. York University's welcome to Congress video is your invitation to an exciting roster of programming, events, and more. Watch the video.

Registrations are open

Have you registered for Congress 2023 yet? Information about registering can be found in the Congress section of the Federation's website. Learn more.

Write for Congress blog

Contribute to the conversation around this year's Congress 2023 theme, Reckonings & Re-Imaginings, by writing for the Congress 2023 blog. For more information or to pitch your idea, email communications@federationhss.ca.

Work and volunteer at Congress 2023

The Federation and York University are recruiting over 180 short-term on site and remote contract workers and up to 500 volunteers to support the delivery of Congress 2023. Working and volunteering at Congress is a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Congress, gain valuable experience, and aid in hosting Canada's largest academic gathering. Applications are open until February 24, 2023. Learn more.

HSS Community News

When an international crisis strikes, the humanities and social sciences have a critical role to play. That’s why, right now, our scholars are helping the world make sense of what’s happening in Iran and Ukraine.

Help us enrich the conversation by sharing relevant research contributions, blogs, articles and op-eds about the Iranian protests to be included in the next Communique or on the Federation’s blog. Please reach out to communications@federationhss.ca for more information.

How Gen Z is using social media in Iran's Women, Life, Freedom movement - social media became "an antidote to state violence and its suppression of facts." Protesters in Iran are using social media to connect and shed light on the Iranian government's brutality. Read more.

Russia is using drones to target Ukrainian electricity and erode morale - as we approach the one-year anniversary of the Ukrainian conflict, Russia shifts focus on targeting the Ukrainian home front, especially electricity facilities in an attempt to erode morale. Read more.

Going beyond self-identification in recruiting Indigenous faculty - a few high-profile cases involving faculty members who may have falsely presented themselves as Indigenous are calling into question the practice of self-identification. Read more.

In academia, we need two types of researchers: divers and surfers - there are two types of researchers in academia: divers go narrow and deep with their research whereas surfers explore the subject horizontally and don't limit themselves. Read more.

University continuing education: The coming challenge - the importance of adult learning is increasingly emphasized by business and political leaders concerned about higher education's lack of responsiveness to economic needs. Read more.

Digital Research Alliance of Canada survey on cloud services in research now open - The Digital Research Alliance of Canada has launched a survey to better understand how Canadian researchers use the Alliance community cloud or commercial cloud services and to inform the development of a National Cloud Strategy. Fill out the survey until February 6.

2026 Census of Population Content Consultation - Statistics Canada is conducting a public consultation on the 2026 Census of Population starting January 9, 2023. The questionnaire is designed to gather information about how and why Canadians use census data and the type of information they believe should be available from the census. Complete the questionnaire.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council's Impact Awards - the SSHRC Impact Awards celebrate the achievements of Canada's top leaders, thinkers and researchers in the social sciences and humanities. Finalists embody the very best ideas and research about people, human thought and behaviour, and culture - helping us understand and improve the world around us, today and into the future. Watch the ceremony.

Blumbergs’ upcoming Charity Law Boot Camp features some interesting events and free webinars: