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The Federation blog is a space for Federation members and researchers in the humanities and social sciences to respectfully discuss ideas and issues of importance to the community. Please review the Federation's blog policy for submission information.

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Guess who’s coming to dinner? That is, after you hire us.

Consider the following statements from search committee meetings at various universities involving racialized candidates. My purpose in sharing these statements is to raise questions about institutional commitments to hire Black faculty. “ Our first...

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Rethinking capacity: on preserving the dignity of risk

I recently came across an article in the Walrus titled: "When Is a Senior No Longer Capable of Making Their Own Decisions?" The article outlined what is involved in a capacity assessment, who is authorized to provide said assessments, illustrated...

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Le confinement comme prétexte politique

L’année 2019 s’est refermée sur une crise sanitaire d’ampleur mondiale qui augure des lendemains sombres du premier semestre 2020. En effet, commencée dans la Wuhan comme épidémie le 17 Novembre 2019, le coronavirus deviendra très vite une pandémie...

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Exhausted? Slow Down and Listen (to Disabled Wisdom)

When I met Gini* five years ago, I was surprised to learn that she doesn’t get any extra break time at work. The context of our meeting was that she hired me to give her a hand with everyday physical tasks: things like dressing, using the toilet, and...