"Be partners in using statistics for your decision"

October 21, 2010

Ryan Saxby Hill 

Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.

It likely won't come as a surprise for you to learn that many of our members here at the Federation love statistics. This love finally has a musical outlet. World Statistics Day - an annual event recognizing the positive role played by official statistics in making the world a better place - has an official theme song. Those of you still looking for that Stats Anthem for 2010 (or perhaps your wedding song?) are in luck. The line "be partners in using statistics for your decision" is sure to be running through your head. The MP3 is below, but if you'd like to download a copy to play on your iPod (or get the lyrics) you can find it online here. Thanks to Kady O'Malley at the CBC for this.

[podcast]http://unstats.un.org/unsd/wsd/downloads/PNG_WSD_Jingle.mp3 [/podcast]

If you're on the fence about statistics, I'm sure that our letter to the Minister of Industry in defence of the long form census will get you singing a different tune.