Career Corner at Congress - Not just for graduate students anymore

February 28, 2014

Eleanor Fast, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Career Corner at Congress, a well-established tradition, is expanding to include more events relevant to scholars at all stages of their careers. 

Organized in a partnership between the host university, the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, and University Affairs the traditional focus has been primarily on providing information for graduate students looking for a job – but now the series has moved far beyond those beginnings and will be of interest to all Congress attendees looking to publish and market their research, improve their teaching skills, find out about new sources of funding, and consider the relevance of their skills to careers outside of academia.

The online calendar of programs is still being updated, but there is already an exciting series of sessions ranging from a workshop on telling your research story, to panel discussions on Canada/US connections and the mobility of global talent, to learning how to publish and market your scholarly book.

A lot of attendees are familiar with applying for funding from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), but this year’s Career Corner will feature sessions from other organizations providing funding for social science and humanities work. Genome Canada will host a Career Corner event about how social science and humanities researchers can become involved in the research projects exploring the ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social aspects of genomics research, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) will discuss their reforms and what it means for social science and humanities researchers who are eligible for CIHR funding, and Mitacs – who fund a range of internship programs - will also lead a session.  We hope the sessions will stimulate a lot of ideas – for attendees at all phases of their career.

Congress is now in its 83rd year, and as Canada’s largest multi-disciplinary conference the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences wants to make sure that Congress is much more than Canada’s largest gathering of scholars across disciplines. By bringing new and different programming to an established series such as Career Corner we hope to make Congress a richer experience for all attendees, and ensure the vitality of Congress for years to come!