Congress 2013 feedback

June 24, 2013

It’s been just over two weeks since Congress 2013 wrapped up, and we’re still receiving some really valuable feedback; our annual post-Congress survey has brought in hundreds of responses already, and we’ve had a great collection of blog posts shared with us by attendees reflecting on their experience.

Here at the Federation, we strive to ensure that the annual Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences is well-organized, productive, and enjoyable for all. We send out a survey at the end of every Congress and work to incorporate the feedback we receive into the following year’s planning. By completing our survey, you can help us to develop in both logistics and programming, and provide us with your thoughts on any areas with room for improvement. Your comments are truly valuable to us, so we encourage you to let us know how you feel, even just by sending us an email or a tweet. Our Congress 2013 survey closes on July 5th, 2013, and can be found here.

We’d also like to read your blog! If you’ve been writing about your Congress experience and wish to share your thoughts, stories, and insights with us, please send us the link to your blog via Twitter or to info[at]

As always, a huge thank-you to everyone who attended Congress, as well as all those who helped to make it happen: the University of Victoria; our sponsors; our member associations, scholars, and institutions; this year’s volunteers, contractors, performers, and reporters; and the beautiful city of Victoria’s truly welcoming community.

We had a great time this year, and captured highlights from the week in both images and words – check out the videos section on our website to see the Big Thinking lectures, and visit our Facebook page to see pictures from around Congress as well as an archive of articles about the event.

The 2014 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences will be held at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario from May 24th-30th. In the meantime, keep an eye on the Federation’s blog and Twitter feed for updates on social sciences and humanities news, as well as information on all of the exciting initiatives we have planned for this year.