Counting down the days to Congress 2014 at Brock University

March 18, 2014

Jack N. Lightstone, President and Vice-Chancellor, Brock University

We’re now less than 70 days away from the kick off of Congress 2014 at Brock University.

As the days get closer, we’re preparing to showcase Brock’s research and creative communities, our regional partners, and the cultural and natural heritage of Niagara.

Our University’s location in Niagara plays a key role in our identity.

We’re named after Maj.-Gen. Sir Isaac Brock, “the Hero of Upper Canada” who died in 1812 while repelling American invaders just down the road at Queenston Heights.

We were founded in 1964 in response to community activism and bolstered by local financial, moral and political support. Our privileged location in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve also provides us with a unique mandate for sustainability in everything we do.

As we turn 50 this year, the University in recent years has seen continued growth in students, research, facilities and community connectedness. And hosting our country’s largest academic gathering, which brings together thinkers who will help shape the Canada of tomorrow, is another significant step in this positive direction.

Congress at Brock — “Border without Boundaries” — will bring 70 learned societies and associations to our University. Throughout the week, 8,000 attendees and guests are expected to be on campus and in Niagara.

The gathering will attract delegates from every province and territory and from around the world, including our neighbours from Western New York State. It will shine a light on our University and our community as an international destination for knowledge and research. It also has the potential to generate economic spinoffs in our region of upwards of $10 million.

Congress programming, which includes a made-at-Brock academic and cultural program, is open to attendees, academics and community audiences.

I sincerely look forward to welcoming Congress 2014 to Brock University and Niagara.

See you in May.