Elections are open for the Federation’s Board of Directors

February 18, 2014

Véronique Mallet, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

Elections open today, Tuesday, February 18, 2014 for two positions on the Board of Directors of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. The open positions and candidates are:

Position: Director, Equity and Diversity


Position: Director, Teaching and Learning


Who can vote? Current Representatives to the General Assembly and members of the Board of Directors are eligible to vote.  All eligible voters have received an access code in a recent email message. Please contact Justin Campbell for further information, or if you cannot locate your access code.

Elections will end at noon EST on Tuesday, March 4, 2014 and results will be made public shortly hereafter.

Following the end of the nomination period, the following two positions were acclaimed and are therefore not part of the elections process:

For more information about the Federation’s elections, please visit our website: http://www.ideas-idees.ca/about/leadership/elections