Inclusive Innovation: what is the role of rural and remote regions in the knowledge economy?

August 29, 2012

Governments the world over have launched ambitious national innovation strategies, designed to use scientific and technological developments to produce economic growth and address social challenges. Canada has been one of the most aggressive on this front, supporting a wide range of measures designed to promote commercialization and job creation. Globally, these policies have strengthened urban economies, but have had much smaller impacts on rural and remote regions.  In Canada, northern, rural and Aboriginal communities have yet to feel the full benefit of scientific and technological initiatives. Our innovation outputs as a whole continue to lag internationally. 

How do we address this innovation deficit, while also encouraging creative regional development? Join Ken Coates, Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation, as he explores how Canada can increase innovative outputs while also ensuring that innovation culture permeates the country as a whole.  Sharing his expertise in regional development and community collaboration, Dr. Coates will delve into how Canada can build internationally competitive cities as well as small towns and remote regions that actively share in the many benefits of emerging innovation.

This event is organized in partnership with the Canada Foundation for Innovation.

7:30 a.m. - 8:45 a.m., September 18, 2012

RSVP by Wednesday, September 12 online here or by phone at 613-238-6112, ext 310.

Please note that photo ID will be required at the door

Photo courtesy of suecan1 on Flickr.