National Strategy on Inuit Education announced

June 21, 2011

On June 16, Canada’s Inuit leaders unveiled a national education strategy aiming to improve the educational experiences of Canadian Inuit youth – 75% of whom do not finish high school. Developed by a committee of Inuit leaders chaired by Mary Simon, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the strategy emerged out of the 2009 Accord on Inuit Education.

The strategy includes ten comprehensive and wide-reaching recommendations, including initiatives around engaging parents, creating bilingual programs, establishing a northern university, standardizing the Inuit language system and addressing teacher education and curriculum. While funding for the strategy has yet to be announced, the Inuit leaders are confident that all levels of government will support the strategy and improve education for Inuit youth.

CFHSS applauds the strategy and the leadership of the National Committee on Inuit Education. Achieving the recommendations outlined in the report will have far-reaching effects not only on education for Inuit youth, but on preserving Inuit language and culture within Canada.

Read the full report on the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami website.