Open Access Symposium: Where we are, where we're going, how we'll get there

June 1, 2013

Karen Diepeveen

Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

One of the best parts of Congress is the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary conversations - not just about research, but about the future of the social science and humanities disciplines. This year, we're continuing conversations around Open Access at a half-day symposium, organized by Michael Eberle Sinatra of the Université de Montréal. Two panels will serve as starting points for discussions around where we are, where we're going, and how we're going to get there - delving deep into the world of Canadian and global approaches to open access.

It all kicks off Monday, June 3, at 9:00am in Room 150 of the McKinnon Building. The full program has just been released:

9.00am: Welcome by Ray Siemens and Michael E. Sinatra

9.05-9.30: Andrea Whiteley (Calgary) on international perspectives on Open Access

9.30-11am: Panel 1 'Funding Sustainable Open Access', Chair: Ray Siemens (Director, Research Dissemination, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences)

Speakers: Gisele Yasmen (SSHRC VP Research); Janet Halliwell (Independent consultant and Science and Technology policy researcher); Brian Owen (Chair of the CARL/CRKN Open Access Task Force)

11am-11.15am: Break

11.15am-12.45pm: Panel 2 'Open Access Publishing Models', Chair: Michael E. Sinatra (Chair, Federation Advisory Committee on Research Dissemination)

Speakers: Rowly Lorimer (SFU publishing, journals); Melissa Pitts (UBC Press, ACUP president), John Willinsky (Public Knowledge Project)

Coffee and tea will be served in the morning, and it will all wrap up with a light lunch.