Research community speaks out on U.S. travel ban

February 7, 2017
Gauri Sreenivasan, Director of Policy and Programs, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

As news of U.S. President Donald Trump’s early executive orders spread across news channels at the end of January, many Canadians and citizens around the world were alarmed by the swiftness of the move to close borders and target Muslim majority countries. Civil liberties lawyers and groups analyzed and challenged the text; many worried at home; thousands participated in public demonstrations at places like airports and embassies to make their opinions on the importance of openness and inclusion heard.

The university and research community was an early and important public voice, across the U.S. and Canada, to speak out on the dangers of the orders — not just for their impact on research and the free flow of ideas and scholars, but for their affront to values that are at the heart of the role of universities and higher education throughout society.  As the national voice for the humanities and social science research  community, the Federation released its own media statement on Monday, January 30, noting “the value academics in the humanities and social sciences place on transformational ideas shared in an open, globally-connected forum.” Many member associations and institutions across Canada have similarly released statements of concern.

For reference and use by members and the public, the Federation is listing here all members’ statements gathered to date. We would be pleased to update this list as more information is sent to us.  

Please note that the effect of the orders remains in question given ongoing judicial appeals and the situation remains in flux. The Federation will continue to monitor the situation with regards to the impact on travel for students and scholars, and particularly as it relates to Congress 2017.

Canadian Association for Graduate Studies

The Canadian Association for the Study of International Development

The Canadian Association of Geographers

Canadian Economics Association

Canadian Historical Association

Canadian Political Science Association

The Canadian Society for the Study of Education

Canadian Sociological Association

Cape Breton University

Dalhousie University

McGill University

McMaster University

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Mount Allison University

Mount Saint Vincent University

Queen’s University

Ryerson University

Simon Fraser University

Thompson Rivers University  

Universities Canada

The University of British Columbia

University of Calgary

University of Toronto

University of Waterloo

Western University

Association of American Universities

Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities