Ryerson presents… An evening with Cornel West

May 10, 2017
Dean Pamela Sugiman, Ryerson University 

Celebrating Congress 2017, Ryerson University is pleased to present “An evening with Cornel West.”

Known for his passion, humility, grace and humour, Cornel West is one of America’s most outspoken critics on race, poverty and democracy. The Princeton University professor and civil rights activist is committed to keeping alive the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. — a legacy of truth-telling and bearing witness to love and justice. Dr. West's incisive commentary on race and justice lays at the core of the Congress 2017 theme: Canada the Next 150 On Indigenous Lands.

On the street, in prisons, churches, or lecture halls, Dr. West’s writing, speaking, and teaching mash the traditions of the black Baptist Church, progressive politics and the legacy of jazz. “I’m a bluesman in the life of the mind,” he proclaims. “I’m a jazzman in the world of ideas, forever on the move.”

Cornel West is the author of more than 20 books, including Race Matters, Democracy Matters, and Radical King. He has also appeared on the Bill Maher Show, Colbert Report, CNN, C-Span, and Democracy Now!  A musical career and acting roles (in two "Matrix" movies) have widened his audience and heightened his appeal as a public intellectual.

Don’t miss Cornel West at Ryerson University. His talk on “Race, Democracy, Justice, and Love” is one of the highlights of Ryerson’s special events programme over the course of Congress.

“Race, Democracy, Justice, and Love”

An evening with Cornel West

Monday, May 29 from 7 to 8 p.m. 

Ted Rogers School of Management (TRSM) – 1 - 067 - Auditorium, Ryerson University

55 Dundas St. W., Toronto

Free Admission

About Cornel West

Cornel West is a prominent and provocative democratic. A Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice at Union Theological Seminary and Professor Emeritus at Princeton University, Dr. West is a prolific speaker, writer, editor, and spoken word artist. His published works include: Race Matters, Democracy Matters, Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud, Black Prophetic Fire, and Radical King. Dr. West has appeared on many popular and political talk shows in the U.S., and in over 25 documentaries and films including the Matrix, Examined Life, Call & Response, Sidewalk, and Stand.

About Ryerson presents…

The Faculty of Arts at Ryerson University is presenting a wide range of events during Congress 2017, ranging from interdisciplinary lectures to cultural programming. These diverse community events are intended to complement Congress 2017 and showcase the thought leadership and vitality of Ryerson University’s downtown campus. For a full list of upcoming events please visit Ryerson Programming.