SSH News: April 23, 2015 (Budget Edition)

April 23, 2015

This week, SSH News is focusing on the response to the federal budget announcement by different groups and individuals in Canadian higher education and the media. Cette semaine, SSH News se concentre sur la réponse à l'annonce du budget fédéral par différents groupes et individus dans l'enseignement supérieur et les médias au Canada: 

Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences | Fédération des sciences humaines

Federal budget 2015 invests in research and innovation | Le budget fédéral 2015 investit dans la recherche et l’innovation

Universities Canada (formerly AUCC)

Federal budget invests in university research, students


Ottawa to hand off R&D money t businesses, leaving behind discovery-driven researchOttawa subventionne le privé en R et D au détriment de la recherche axée sur la découverte


Federal Budget 2015: Targeted investment in R&D to improve Canadian innovation | Budget fédéral 2015 : des investissements ciblés en R-D pour améliorer l’innovation au Canada


Budget 2015: Largest single investment ever in research infrastructure | Le plus important investissement jamais fait en appui à l’infrastructure de recherche


Federal budget to put nearly 200,000 students deeper into debt | Le budget fédéral obligera près de 200 000 étudiantes et étudiants à s’endetter davantage


Students Welcome Substantial Commitment to Invest in Student Financial Aid


Assembly of First Nations National Chief Says 2015 Federal Budget a Missed Opportunity for First Nations and Canada | Le budget fédéral 2015, une « occasion ratée » pour les Premières Nations et le Canada selon le chef national de l’Assemblée des Premières Nations


An encouraging budget for Canada’s colleges and institutes | Un budget encourageant pour les collèges et instituts


Ontario universities commend federal government for record research investment


L’Acfas s’inquiète du silence persistant du gouvernement sur une politique intégrée de la recherche et de l’innovation dans le budget du Québec


Government of Canada renews its investment in CANARIE: $105M for 5 year mandate|Le gouvernement canadien réinvestit dans CANARIE : 105 M$ pour un mandat de 5 ans


Analysis of the 2015 Federal Budget

Canadian Council of Academies | Conseil des academies canadiennes

Council of Canadian Academies Welcomes New Funding from the Government of Canada | Le gouvernement du Canada renouvelle le financement du Conseil des académies canadiennes


Federal budget 2015: Highlights of Joe Oliver's fiscal plan

Joe Oliver's promises-kept budget. Ignore the sleight of hand

Federal budget 2015: 8 winners in the Conservative pre-election budget

Federal budget 2015: Leaders, stakeholders give their verdict

AFN chief Perry Bellegarde on 2015 budget

Federal budget 2015 falls short in aboriginal education funding, says advocate


Nine takeaways from the 2015 federal budget (John Geddes)

Why this budget is a 518-page campaign pamphlet (John Geddes)

The Globe and Mail

Conservatives seek to align postsecondary and labour market with budget measures (Simona Chiose)

Budget paints opposition into a red corner (Konrad Yakabuski)

A prudent budget in a time of economic uncertainty (Alexandre Laurin, C.D. Howe Institute)

John Ibbitson on how Harper's 'old-fashioned' values shaped the 2015 budget (John Ibbitson)

Budget balanced on backs of contingency fund, EI and oil

Seven key budget targets and why they matter

The Hill Times

Politics This Morning: Budget gets mixed reaction

Budget features ‘shot across bow’ to public sector unions over sick leave

Le Devoir

La science au service des entreprises

Ce qu'ils ont dit à propos du budget fédéral...

La part du lion à la sécurité

L’austérité vient (surtout) de l’ouest!


Oliver budget shuffles science into the slow lane (iPolitics)

Indigenous Canadians and the environment lose out in this year’s budget (Winnipeg Free Press)

Pre-election federal budget contains no big ticket items for First Nations (APTN)

Change to copyright law in federal budget ‘a really bad idea’ as critics worry about threat to artistic freedom (National Post)

Canadian research councils get a rain check from Harper government (Science)