SSH News: AUCC’s UniversityWorks, support for humanities research at McGill, and upcoming events

September 20, 2013

The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC) launched a new website on Tuesday that features short videos highlighting how positive university experiences can lead to rewarding careers in the future. The website, called UniversityWorks, includes testimonials by graduates from across the country, each reflecting on their personal university experience and how it has impacted their transition into the world of work. Some of the topics discussed so far include internships, studying abroad, and the opportunities created by pursuing an arts degree, and AUCC is inviting other Canadian graduates to submit videos sharing their own stories.

McGill University has received $15 million in funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support scholarly research in the humanities, which will allow the Faculty of Arts to offer 12 two-year postdoctoral fellowships of $55,000 over the next six years. The Foundation offers grants in a number of areas, and in 2008 helped to establish the Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in the Humanities at McGill. This renewed support is wonderful to see, considering a recent trend among other Canadian universities of funding cuts to humanities programs.

Registration for the Big Thinking lecture on October 3rd with Richard Hawkins is still open, but seats are limited and moving fast! Click here for more information on his lecture, “Whither innovation? Moving beyond the buzzword” as well as to reserve your spot. The Power of the Arts National Forum at Carleton University is also coming up soon, and so is the World Social Science Forum in Montreal, Quebec. Check out our online calendar of events to stay up to date on lectures and conferences in the humanities and social sciences.