SSH News: Big Thinking, Federal Budget 2014, SSHRC Impact Awards

February 13, 2014

The most recent Big Thinking lecture "Reason versus passion in politics" was presented on Tuesday by Joseph Heath, Director, Centre for Ethics, and Professor, Department of Philosophy and School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Toronto. This lecture addressed "reason versus passion" in politics and what we are sacrificing when we allow our political system to be dominated by appeals to passion rather than reason. Léo Charbonneau, editor at University Affairs, reflected on Heath's talk in his article “Emotion should not rule over reason in politics” (University Affairs).

And just maybe, reason in politics did prevail this week… To the applause of many postsecondary leaders in Canada, the federal budget was announced the same day revealing the Government's commitment to significantly increase investments in research, innovation and learning. In response to the budget, the Federation published its media release, whose sentiments were visibly echoed across the country:

As Canada’s top social science and humanities students and scholars continue to excel in research and leadership, distributing funding and recognizing their contributions continue to be a guiding principle of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). On Monday, it was announced that SSHRC “welcomes nominations of top researchers, students and research partnerships for the 2014 Impact Awards” (SSHRC). Be sure to find out more about the SSHRC Impact Awards and how to nominate a researcher or students between now and May 9, 2014. Winners will be announced in fall 2014.