SSH News: Humanities 2.0, student career website launch, and a helpful infographic

July 19, 2013

A new summer series in Le Devoir called “Humanities 2.0” is set to explore the ever-growing field of digital humanities, asking how new technologies affect the ways we produce and disseminate knowledge.  In fact, the first article in the series features one of our recent Big Thinking speakers, Stéphane Bouchard, whose presentation “When psychotherapy meets virtual reality” took place on Parliament Hill this past March (watch it here). Bouchard’s work seeks to understand how technology can be effectively applied to treat mental health issues and disorders, and considers uses for virtual reality and telehealth in clinical cyberpsychology. Le Devoir’s piece examines how an immersive environment at the Université du Québec en Outaouais in Gatineau is helping treat phobias, traumas, and addictions, and can be read online (with a subscription) here.

The Council of Ontario Universities launched a new website this week, which is “designed to help students, graduates and entry-level employees match their education, skills, desires and goals to jobs.” The website,, includes job postings, tips, and financial advice, and aims to help students market their assets – such as “creativity, critical thinking and problem solving, intellectual resilience, and [the ability] to clearly communicate ideas” – to potential employers. More details are available here.

Articles and opinion pieces about the importance of a liberal arts education are still popping up everywhere, and it may be kind of hard to keep on top of them all. Luckily, this infographic from the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities provides a nice summary of what’s important to know.