SSH News: “Ideas can…” video, Federation’s newest members, IRSPM 2014

April 10, 2014

Hands down, it’s been one of the warmest weeks we’ve had in months, but before springing forward too quickly, what are some of the Federation’s highlights from 2013? Be sure to read our 2013 Annual Report and watch our new “Ideas can… bring us together” video featuring President, Antonia Maioni, and our Executive Director, Jean-Marc Mangin. We encourage you to share our video with friends and colleagues who are curious about what the Federation does – it’s a great 5-minute synopsis!  

In other news, the Federation welcomed three of its newest members: the Canadian Association of African Studies/Association canadienne des études africaines, Sexuality Studies Association/Association d'études de la sexualité and the Canadian Cartographic Association/Association canadienne de cartographie.

This week, the Federation has also been present at the International Research Society for Public Management Conference 2014, held at Carleton University, April 8-10, 2014. As one of the event’s sponsors, our staff has been delighted to answer questions about the Federation and the upcoming Congress 2014. In the midst, the conference theme "Intersections: Governance, Democracy, Accountability" has explored the changing relationships among the public, private and nonprofit sectors.

Last but not least, a brief round-up of interesting reads from this week:

Looking for more news from the Federation? Sign up for our Communiqué, the Federation’s monthly eNewsletter here. The Communiqué brings you the latest news about the Federation, its events, members and the latest news and information from the humanities and social sciences learning and research community in Canada. This month’s Communiqué was released earlier this week!