SSH News: January 15, 2015

January 15, 2015

Here is our list of the most interesting news articles about the humanities, social sciences and higher education from the past week:

Higher Education

PhD Graduates in Canada

Conference Board of Canada

How is Canada’s PSE system doing?

University Affairs

New Job on Campus: Expanding Ph.D. Career Options (subscriber content)

The Chronicle of Higher Education

It's time to reinvent what universities can be

The Guardian

The Genius of Obama's Two-Year College Proposal

The Atlantic

George Brown College’s Career Coach takes guesswork out of the job market

Toronto Star

The Paris attackers’ challenge to free speech is especially relevant to universities

University Affairs

University of Manitoba student paper runs Charlie Hebdo Muhammad cartoon


German Philosophers Ponder Unexpected Proposition: Popularity (subscriber content)

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Equity and Diversity

Justice for our children: Dr. Cindy Blackstock is a passionate advocate for Aboriginal people

First Nations House Magazine

Rights group presses Harper for inquiry into murdered aboriginal women

The Globe and Mail

Gender equality on corporate boards: Study puts Canada in middle of the pack


Campus sexual assault the newsmaker of 2014 

University Affairs

Open Access and Publishing

Philosophy: Download It for Free

Inside Higher Ed

How Philistinism Wrecked 'The New Republic'

The Chronicle of Higher Education


CIHR changes mean better health for Canadians, says Beaudet (subscriber content)

The Hill Times

Make a Charitable Donation of Your Personal Data

Social Science Space