SSH News: Senate scandals, breakfast lectures, and international research

February 15, 2013

Karen Diepeveen, Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

This week was a busy one. Obama’s State of the Union address garnered plenty of reactions, including one from Danielle Allen of the Institute for Advanced Study. Her Washington Post editorial argues that the humanities are just as important as STEM classes.  

Senators here in Canada have had a busy media week – and so have several political scientists. Howard Leeson provided some background on Pamela Wallin’s spending, while Geoffrey Stevens weighed in on the scandals in the Senate as a whole.

Moving away from scandal in Ottawa, the Federation brought Wendy Craig from Queen’s University to Parliament Hill to share her research on bullying and children’s health. A lively Q&A ensued after her breakfast lecture, and Dr. Craig spent the rest of the day meeting with Members of Parliament to discuss her research in depth. Watch for the video soon!

And lastly, international research collaborations can lead to innovative projects and results. The University of Waterloo and St. Jerome’s University recently announced they had received grants from the Chanchlani India Policy Centre, to help four researchers connect their work abroad. The social science research projects funded will cover issues ranging from political science to public health to Arctic relations.