Congress 2022 attendee survey

Thank you for attending virtual Congress 2022! With over 5,200 registered attendees, the past 10 days have been a great success, and we hope that you enjoyed your time with us.

Your feedback matters 

The Federation team values your feedback. Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey by June 1. Your input will help influence the planning of future Congresses and improve the experience of all attendees.


Click here to take the survey

Estimated completion time: 5 minutes

The experience continues until June 3!

Most Congress 2022 lectures and events are archived on the platform until June 3. Go back to the open event or association auditoriums, click on the session date and the View Archive button.

See you at Congress 2023!

Congress 2023 will take place at York University in Toronto, ON, from May 27 to June 2, 2023. The theme is “Reckonings and Re-Imaginings.” Visit our website to learn more about the theme and the newly revealed logo!


Congress 2022 was held in partnership with 

Social Science Humanities and Research Council | Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines 


Canada Foundation of Innovation | Foundation canadienne pour l'innovation 

Universities Canada| Universités Canada