Congress Organizers Update - March 31, 2022

Upcoming deadlines

  • Ongoing: Verify your association information on the Congress website is correct 
  • Today: Early bird registration deadline
  • Today: Register your complimentary passes
  • April 1: Launch of the Child and Dependent Care Subsidy Form
  • April 7: Last Countdown to Congress meeting
  • April 8: Place your audio-visual and accessibility requests
  • April 12: Submit your CGMA Applications

Final adjustments to your Session Data Templates 

Thank you for reviewing your Session Data Template in Google. All data except for titles and descriptions are now locked and cannot be edited. If any changes to date(s) and time(s) are needed, please email your VPL and we will do our best to accommodate your requests. Your session data cannot undergo additional changes beyond April 15, with the exception of cancelling sessions. Please contact your VPL with any questions. 

Presenter Data Template 

We ask that your association complete your Presenter Data Template, which is combined with your Session Data Template, by April 15. This is to ensure we correctly list your presenters alongside your sessions on the platform. Please be sure to include the following information: full name, email and institution/affiliation. Please contact your VPL for any questions.    

Virtual Congress Child and Dependent Care Subsidy

Applications for the Virtual Congress Child and Dependent Care Subsidy program will be live as of tomorrow through the Organizers Portal. This program provides financial support of up to $200 to enable Congress presenters with dependent care responsibilities to participate in virtual Congress activities. For questions regarding the application process, please visit the Speaker Service Centre, which includes a list of Frequently Asked Questions.  

Review accessibility report before AV deadline

Planning Guide: section 5.2

Making Congress accessible is important to us, and we want to ensure any accessibility requests from your attendees are met. Please review your association's accessibility report found in the Reports section of the Organizers Portal prior to submitting your AV  and accessibility service requests by April 8



Congress is organized in partnership with:

Social Science Humanities and Research Council | Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines 


Canada Foundation of Innovation | Foundation canadienne pour l'innovation 

Universities Canada| Universités Canada 

SAGE Publishing