Congress weekly - May 4, 2022

Onowa McIvor joins the Big Thinking lineup 

Introducing our last Big Thinking lecture NEȾOLṈEW̱ “one mind, one people”: Radical reclamation of Indigenous languages by Onowa McIvor, Professor in Indigenous Education at the University of Victoria, and Kahtehrón:ni Iris Stacey, Curriculum Team Coordinator for the Kahnawà:ke Education Center, on Thursday, May 12, 2022, from 12:00 – 1:00 pm EDT.

Access to Big Thinking lectures is included in your registration. Read more.

The Big Thinking lecture series is made possible thanks to the generosity of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Universities Canada, and the Canada Foundation for Innovation.

Are you attending Expo? 

Enter our draw for a chance to win gift cards! How to enter:

Discover who’s exhibiting at Congress Expo!

Visit the Federation’s booth at Congress  

Be sure to stop by the Federation booth at Congress to find out more about who we are and what we do, including the Awards to Scholarly Publications (ASPP) program!

On the Congress blog

Connecting people, ideas, and disciplines at Congress 2022 

By Laura Salter, Federation’s Digital Communications Officer 

"The opportunity to connect with one’s peers at Congress is certainly a highlight of any academic conference – but the chance to step outside of one’s own area of expertise sets Congress apart. Because where else could a student of philosophy dive into the world of Canadian cinema? Or a history scholar step into a session on micro-aggressions in higher education? Or an expert on international development learn from scholars of open access and education technology? Congress is a place to connect – not just people, but disciplines and ideas." Read more.

Highlights from the calendar for open events  

These events are included in your registration. Browse the whole calendar and build your agenda ahead of Congress!

Indigenous Sovereignty and Editing Practices, Part 2 

Canadian Association of Learned Journals (CALJ) 

May 12, 2022 | 12:00 - 13:30 EDT

Ideas, challenges, successes, and ways the scholarly community can best support Indigenous Scholarship. Read more.

Current Events in Hungary and Central Europe: A Roundtable Discussion 

Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC) 

May 15, 2022 | 16:30 - 18:00 EDT

This roundtable discussion offers critical insight into current events in Hungary and Central Europe. Hosted by the Hungarian Studies Association of Canada, the roundtable brings together a panel of experts on the region to discuss the outcome of Hungary's recent federal election, as well as the impact that the War in Ukraine has had on society and politics in Hungary and surrounding countries. Read more.

Demanding social justice for a more empathetic world: The role of humanities and social sciences research in advancing social justice for a better future 

Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI) 

May 16, 2022 | 15:00 - 16:30 EDT

Young adults are navigating a rapidly changing world where climate change, social justice, and the economic and societal aftermath of the pandemic will be the defining events of their youth. But with change comes an extraordinary opportunity for this generation to alter the trajectory of humanity, embrace a more empathetic value system and define their own futures. Read more.

Open events with the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) 

Centering Black Voices in Research: A panel discussion with the SSHRC Advisory Committee to Address Anti-Black Racism

May 17, 2022 | 14:00 - 15:00 EDT

What are the challenges faced by Black scholars when trying to access SSHRC funding? What needs to be done to better include and promote the work of Black researchers? Panellists from SSHRC’s Advisory Committee to Address Anti-Black Racism will explore these and other questions, highlighting their recommendations for moving forward. Read more.

SSHRC Talent: Scholarships, Fellowships and Beyond 

May 16, 2022 | 10:00 - 11:00 EDT

Do you want to learn more about the scholarships and fellowships available to you as a graduate student or postdoctoral researcher? Join SSHRC staff who will provide an overview of the funding opportunities offered at the master's, doctoral and postdoctoral levels, followed by a question-and-answer period. This event is part of Congress's popular Career Corner workshop series. Read more.

Want to start an interdisciplinary project? 

May 17, 2022 | 11:00 - 12:00 EDT

Social sciences and humanities researchers bring valuable contributions to interdisciplinary research projects. Join the conversation at Congress where SSH researchers leading projects funded through the New Frontiers in Research Fund Exploration stream will be there to share their experience and answer questions.

Discover the Acfas Congress

During the 89th Acfas Congress, discover the free Science-moi! activities lineup, held in collaboration with Université Laval.

Join science communicators such as Lili Boisvert, Olivier Bernard and Les Vulgaires in a relaxed and informal atmosphere during the Dans la peau online evening.

And don’t miss the national final of the Ma thèse en 180 secondes contest, which will be held at

Université Laval’s Théâtre de la cité universitaire and broadcast on the Acfas Facebook page.

Sponsored by Hydro-Québec, Science Me! offers free activities for all ages from May 8 to 12, 2022. Check out the schedule

In partnership with 

Social Science Humanities and Research Council | Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines 


Canada Foundation of Innovation | Foundation canadienne pour l'innovation 

Universities Canada| Universités Canada