Association conferences

210 - Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC)

Association #
Call-for-papers deadline
Association email
Logo Hungarian Studies Association of Canada (HSAC)

Building on the Congress theme of “Reframing Togetherness” and its target emphasis on finding common ground in an age of dislocation, polarization, and extremism, this year’s HSAC conference seeks proposals that thematize “Rethinking Coexistence” in Hungarian Studies. Proposals may address cultural change and exchange, as well as potential responses to climate and humanitarian disasters, and the challenge of ever-evolving technologies, all areas impacting our successful coexistence. This thematic focus invites consideration of a range of topics from cultural output to historical events, including political, economic, legal, ethical, literary, linguistic, journalistic, artistic, musical, and scientific endeavors. All relevant considerations of these themes within the field of Hungarian Studies writ large will be considered. Although we strongly encourage proposals that speak to the conference theme, as in previous years, we also welcome proposals on any topic related to Hungary and Hungarian Studies. The Hungarian Studies Association of Canada also supports and encourages both creative and critical scholarly engagement within and across disciplines.

Program Chair(s)
Steven Jobbitt, Lakehead University
Ginny Lewis, Northern State University
Local Arrangement Coordinator(s)
Ilona Sandor

For more information, contact the association directly. Please note that conference registration fees are separate from the association’s membership fees.

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