Association conferences

26 - Canadian Historical Association (CHA)

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Call-for-papers deadline
Association email

The CHA hosts an annual meeting in May/June in coordination with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences which is held in a different Canadian city each year. Between 350-500 historians gather to share their research on themes representing the full diversity of the discipline and to network with colleagues. The CHA conference theme for 2024 is the Climate of History. The theme comes from Dipesh Chakrabarty’s observation that anthropogenic climate change has conjoined human history with the deep histories of the planet and its lifeforms and has made necessary the production of histories that cross and combine these pasts with their own distinct timescales and speeds of change. At the same time, we find ourselves living within a political climate in which historical knowledge has become an object of fierce struggle. Changing climates – arising with social and political contestations, and new technologies and institutional configurations – inform the questions we ask and how we come to be aware, engage, and tell particular understandings of the past.

This conference is taking place onsite with some virtual components. Please review the conference program if available or contact your association for details.

Download program Last update: 2024-04-22
Program Chair(s)
Elsbeth Heaman, McGill University
Donald Nerbas, McGill University
Local Arrangement Coordinator(s)
Elsbeth Heaman, McGill University
Donald Nerbas, McGill University
For more information, contact the association directly. Please note that conference registration fees are separate from the association’s membership fees.

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