39 - Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics (CSHPM)
The CSHPM will hold its 2025 Annual Meeting in conjunction with the 2025 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Saturday, May 31 – Monday, June 2, 2025. Abstract submissions are welcome on any subject relating to the history of mathematics, its use in the teaching of mathematics, the philosophy of mathematics, or a related topic. A special session will also be organized on the theme of Conceptual Change in Mathematics. Please send your title and abstract (200 words or less) in Word or in the body of an email by February 1, 2025, to: Robert E. Bradley, bradley@adelphi.edu, and Amy Ackerberg-Hastings, aackerbe@verizon.net, for the general session; Nicolas Fillion, nfillion@sfu.ca, for the special session. Travel stipends of $750 CA are available for up to six papers given by graduate students and early career scholars (post-2022 PhD) at this meeting.
Robert E. Bradley, Adelphi University
Nicolas Fillion, Simon Fraser University