Association conferences

49 - Canadian Population Society (CPS)

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Call-for-papers deadline
Association email

Please join us in cerebrating the CPS 50th anniversary! The 2024 CPS annual meeting will be full of events. Day 1 (June 18) will be dedicated to the 50th anniversary sessions, followed by a wine reception/ poster session. Regular sessions at the CPS annual meeting will focus areas of research highly relevant for social policies, such as fertility, health and morbidity, family, immigration, social diversity, and labour market.

This conference is taking place virtually and may include sessions at non-Congress locations. Please review the conference program if available or contact your association for details.

Download program Last update: 2024-03-07
Program Chair(s)
Lisa Kaida, McMaster University

Local Arrangement Coordinator(s)
Aimy Croner, McGill University

For more information, contact the association directly. Please note that conference registration fees are separate from the association’s membership fees.

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