Association conferences

49 - Canadian Population Society (CPS)

Association #
Call-for-papers deadline
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Logo Canadian Population Society (CPS)

The Canadian Population Society (, now in its 51st year, promotes the study and development of the science of demography in both its empirical and theoretical aspects.

The association is comprised of scholars and researchers from across the social, population, and health sciences, and actively welcomes new members, including academics, graduate students, government scientists and administrators, researchers, and persons interested in demography and its many applications.

Sessions at the CPS Annual Meetings focus on areas of research highly relevant for social policies, such as health and morbidity, fertility/mortality, family, labour market, immigration, and social diversity, among others.

The CPS fosters a supportive and collegial environment for all participants. There are three days of regular sessions, including events devoted to the professional development of graduate students, poster presentations and a wine reception, and a banquet dinner.

Program Chair(s)
James Falconer, Statistics Canada

Local Arrangement Coordinator(s)
James Iveniuk, NORC
Katie Kinsella, George Brown College
For more information, contact the association directly. Please note that conference registration fees are separate from the association’s membership fees.

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