Association conferences

50 - Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR)

Association #
Call-for-papers deadline
Association email
Logo Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR)

The Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) invites scholars to submit proposals for its upcoming conference. As an interdisciplinary platform, the CSSR fosters critical research and dialogue in the study of religion, with a particular focus on Canadian contexts.

We seek contributions that promote interdisciplinary collaboration, highlight emerging research, and critically engage with the theoretical and practical aspects of the field. The conference provides an opportunity for scholars to exchange ideas, explore new research directions, and discuss the future of religious studies in Canada.

We welcome submissions for individual papers, panels, and other formats.

Program Chair(s)
Paige Thombs, University of Victoria
Alyshea Cummins, Carleton University
Local Arrangement Coordinator(s)
Ken Derry, University of Toronto

For more information, contact the association directly. Please note that conference registration fees are separate from the association’s membership fees.

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