Federation news
Reflection on the political landscape
Since the start of this year, there have been weighty conversations across Canada regarding our economy and our democracy as we navigate a shifting political landscape in the United States and the repercussions beyond its borders.
As a Federation, our commitment to advancing a democratic and prosperous Canadian society has never been more imperative. This is a pivotal time for Canadian voices in research, notably those in the humanities and social sciences, to help provide the perspective and guidance that can inform these complex debates and policy discussions on issues like tariffs, international relations, and social policy.
In the face of potentially great and disquieting change, our voices must be heard. This is an opportunity for research to be shared broadly as well as with decision makers; an opportunity for engagement across media platforms, and through other modes of interaction, such as advocacy groups, conferences, and more.
I hope many of you will join us this year at Congress 2025 at George Brown College, where under the theme Reframing togetherness, we are creating the space for our community to gather and engage in these crucial dialogues.
Karine Morin
President and CEO
Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Federation strategic planning update
We are excited to announce that we have selected a consultant to lead our strategic planning campaign, which will culminate in the release of a new plan for the Federation in the spring of 2026: Higher Strategy Associates (HESA).
HESA will conduct an environmental scan and a community survey, followed by a series of engagement sessions with members and stakeholders of the Federation from May to September. We look forward to gathering valuable insights that will shape the future of the Federation, Congress, and the HSS community.
Resources for engagement and reflection during Black History Month 2025
Black History Month 2025 “Black Legacy and Leadership: Celebrating Canadian History and Uplifting Future Generations” has invited us to explore the incredible leadership and history of Black Canadians. We are proud to highlight the work of Federation Information & Systems Lead Patrick Kabeya, whose biographical documentary “From Patrice to Lumumba” recounts the story of Patrice Lumumba, Congolese politician and independence leader, who served as the first prime minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Watch the documentary.
Explore some of the outstanding work and resources from HSS scholars:
- “Black on the Ballot” - a four-part documentary podcast that shares stories from former candidates and officeholders outlining their experiences in Canadian politics
- Black Canadians in Electoral Politics report
- Démystifier la fatigue à l’université - Professor Marie Fall (in French only)
- Unheard and Underserved: Free Speech on Public Property Deserve Stronger Constitutional Protection – Jackob Nicolas
Take the time to engage with three important resources that continue to inspire and drive change:
- The Scarborough Charter serves as a guiding framework for advancing Black inclusion and equity across Canadian campuses. Read the Charter.
- The Halifax Declaration calls for the recognition of Black history, contributions, and culture as integral parts of Canada’s national narrative. Read the Halifax Declaration.
- The Federation’s Charter on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization in the Social Sciences and Humanities focuses on advancing EDID in the humanities and social sciences, calling for collective action to build inclusive research spaces. Read the Charter.
In honour of Black History Month 2025, Memorial University Assistant Professor Chinelo Ezenwa shared the following reflection:
“[Black leadership] means bringing communities together, inspiring people, and transforming narratives of oppression into success. It means moving away from the negative connotations placed on Black/Blackness. And it means learning to be bolder and more fearless in leadership. [...] I want us to critically reflect on history, Black history, to be open to new ideas and peoples, and to consider what we can do better in the present. I also hope that we remember the value of honest dialogue.”
Federation Board now accepting nominations
The Federation launched an open Call for Nominations for four (4) open positions on its Board of Directors. The Board elections will take place during the 2025 Annual Meeting, to be scheduled for mid–June. Learn more.
Digital politics in the age of AI
Join Concordia University Associate Prof. Fenwick Mckelvey in conversation with Federation President and CEO and Big Thinking Podcast host Karine Morin as they explore the growing role of artificial intelligence in shaping digital politics and media. From revolutionizing political campaigns to influencing public conversation, AI is changing how we interact with and experience the political landscape. Stay tuned for a new episode each month and explore the Big Thinking Podcast archive!
EDID Initiatives Fund spotlight
The Federation is proud to fund the “Guide pédagogique du Français inclusif et non binaire” published by l’Association des professeur.e.s de français et des universités et collèges Canadiens, which offers suggestions for ensuring the inclusiveness of the French language. Read the guide (in French only).
Share your work for la Semaine de la Francophonie
In celebration of la Semaine de la Francophonie, taking place from March 14 - 21, we invite you to share your work with us. Whether it’s research, an inspiring story, a reading list, podcasts, articles, videos, or art, we want to amplify your contributions across our social media channels. Submit your work by emailing us at communications@federationhss.ca and join us in highlighting the richness of the Francophone research community.
Congress news
Early bird registration deadline is March 20
If you are attending Congress as part of an association conference, be sure to book your spot before March 20 to take advantage of discounted pricing.
Big Thinking at Congress
Care of togetherness: From social isolation to collective well-being
June 3, from 17:15 to 18:15
In an era of climate crises, humanitarian disasters, and rapid technological change, how can togetherness move us from social isolation and increasing polarization to collective well-being? This Big Thinking panel will explore the role of research, knowledge-sharing, and community building in strengthening social resilience and resistance. Learn more.
Pedagogies of togetherness: practices of inclusive learning
June 4, from 12:15 to 13:15
How can we foster post-secondary environments that embrace collaborative and accessible approaches to teaching and learning while encouraging more just and responsive educational systems? This Big Thinking panel will explore pedagogies of togetherness, including student-centred teaching practices and the integration of research and community engagement that challenge traditional knowledge hierarchies and transcend institutional divides. Learn more.
More Big Thinking panels to be announced soon.
Funding opportunities for associations and researchers
As the application period for the Open Programming Fund and EDID Initiatives Fund comes to a close, there is still time for you to speak to your association about the Congress Graduate Merit Awards (CGMA) and the Child and Dependent Care Subsidy whose application deadline is April 17. Individuals can apply through their association. Explore the Congress funds.
Experience Congress Expo
Congress Expo is a space to browse exceptional literary works, connect with publishers, and enjoy a touch of retail therapy. Check out the list of this year’s exhibitors.
The Federation is on Bluesky
The Federation is on Bluesky @federationhss.ca. Follow us and stay up to date on all Congress news, announcements and updates!
HSS News
SSHRC launches Policy Innovation Partnership Grants – This pilot funding opportunity aims to support a partnership between a postsecondary research entity and one or more federal government departments to establish a long-term research program focusing on specific topics in an area of importance to Canada and public decision-makers. Learn more and apply.
The Dimensions Canada program launches the call for Letter of intent – The Federation encourages institutions that are looking to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion across their research community and beyond to submit a Letter of intent to the Dimensions Program before the April 24 deadline. Learn more.
Coalition Publica’s call for applications – scholarly journals – As a partner in Coalition Publica, Érudit is launching a call for applications for scholarly journals wishing to be disseminated on the erudit.org platform as of January 2026. Learn more.
Indigenous Literary Studies Association online workshop – ILSA is thrilled to host Drs. Sophie McCall and Deanna Reder on March 31 at 13:30 am ET, for a workshop on “Teaching Indigenous Literatures.” Register for the event.
Government of Canada invests more than $1.4 billion to strengthen official languages education across Canada – The Honourable Rachel Bendayan, Minister of Official Languages and Associate Minister of Public Safety announced the ratification of the new Protocol for Agreements for Minority-Language Education and Second-Language Instruction. As part of this collaboration agreement, the federal government is investing more than $1.4 billion to support minority-language education and second-language instruction. Read more.
Registration for the Canadian Association for Postcolonial Studies 2025 Conference is now open – The CAPS 2025 Conference will be held from June 1 to 3, 2025 at the Toronto Metropolitan University under the theme of Postcolonial Studies, Sustainability, and Shared Futures. Learn more.
Canada’s francophone universities: drivers of thriving communities – Despite challenges, Canadian universities in francophone minority settings actively contribute to their communities and the advancement of knowledge. Read more.
Moves to undermine public education in the U.S. should concern Canadians – Trump has promised to close the Department of Education. Moves to weaken public education in the United States may seem distant, however, shifts in the U.S. could have consequences for the Canadian education systems. Read more.
Advocates call for more provincial funding for Ontario colleges to stop program cuts – Some experts and advocates say the next provincial government needs to dramatically increase funding for Ontario’s colleges or risk even further cuts to programs. Read more.