Federal budget 2014 invests in research, innovation and new ideas

February 11, 2014

OTTAWA, February 11, 2014 – The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is pleased with the Government’s commitment to significantly increase research funding, as announced in today’s federal budget.

“Our key recommendations to government were to invest in leading-edge research, to support social innovation and partnerships, and to bolster digital scholarship, research and training,” stated Antonia Maioni, President of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences.  

“The investments announced today —and taken together, they are significant and represent the largest increase in funding through the granting councils in a decade— will lead to crucial research advances to address challenges to Canadian society, as well as equip graduates with the critical thinking and creative skills needed to contribute to the knowledge society."

The Federation welcomes the Government's investments in research and learning through:

  • Additional annual untargeted funding of $37 million to the three research councils, including $7 million in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. Furthermore, an additional $9 million per year is provided to the indirect cost program.
  • The creation of the new Canada First Research Excellence Fund of $1.5 billion over the next decade, starting with $50 million in 2015 to advance the global research leadership of Canadian universities.
  • A $10 million pilot initiative on social innovation for colleges and polytechnics to better respond to the research needs of communities.
  • Immediate funding of $ 40 million before a $1.25 billion in investments starting in 2016 to improve access and quality of aboriginal education.
  • New eligibility rules for Mitacs linking research with the needs of the not-for-profit sector.
  • $40 million for 3,000 full-time internships for post-secondary education graduates and $8 million for Mitacs over two years.
  • $250 million to improve broadband internet access for Canadians in rural and Northern communities.

The Federation firmly believes that for this country to thrive as a knowledge and digital society, Canada requires long-term, ongoing and stable funding for discovery-based research. Today’s announcements indicate alignment with this view and set us in the right direction for significant new investments in 2015 and beyond.


Media inquiries:

Nicola Katz

Manager of Communications

Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

613-238-6112, ext. 351
