Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences announces new Open Access Policy

May 14, 2015

OTTAWA, May 14, 2015 – The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is pleased to announce its new Open Access Policy for the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP).

As a national convenor of Canada’s humanities and social sciences community, the Federation embraces the role of promoter and facilitator of Open Access publishing projects for monographs, with a particular view to engaging those that could include ASPP-funded books. The ASPP is Canada’s premier competitive funding program designed to assist with the publication of scholarly books on topics in the humanities and social sciences.

To encourage innovation and experimentation, the Federation will work to facilitate the participation of Canadian publishers, libraries and authors in promising, scalable projects that provide practical (i.e. financial or in-kind) support for Open Access monograph publishing.

“With this new policy the Federation is committed to a leadership role in the development of Open Access for books in this country,” said Jean-Marc Mangin, Executive Director of the Federation. “The Federation looks forward to working with others to pursue promising avenues for the creation of a sustainable and iterative Open Access scholarly communications system in Canada.”


Media inquiries:

Nicola Katz

Manager of Communications

Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

613-238-6112, ext. 351


About the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences promotes research, learning and an understanding of the contributions made by the humanities and the social sciences towards a free and democratic society. Established in 1940, with a membership now comprising 160+ universities, colleges and scholarly associations, the Federation represents a diverse community of 85,000 researchers and graduate students across Canada. For more information about the Federation, visit www.ideas-idees.ca.