Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences welcomes Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications

February 27, 2015

OTTAWA, February 27, 2015 – The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences welcomes Minister of State (Science and Technology) Ed Holder’s announcement of the new Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications, which will make research funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) openly accessible online.

This policy introduces a new requirement for peer-reviewed journal articles resulting from Tri-Agency-funded research to be made Open Access within one year of their publication. Compliance involves either ‘self-archiving’ the manuscript to an online repository, or submitting the manuscript to a journal that offers open access.

“This is a very positive step. The Federation supports Open Access and is encouraged by the continuing action of the Tri-Agency on this form of knowledge-sharing,” said Antonia Maioni, President of the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences. “We were pleased to participate in the consultation for this policy and will track closely its implementation and effects on behalf of our members, to identify the opportunities and challenges for scholarly journals in the humanities and social sciences.”


Media inquiries:

Nicola Katz

Manager of Communications

Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

613-238-6112, ext. 351


About the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences

The Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences promotes research, learning and an understanding of the contributions made by the humanities and the social sciences towards a free and democratic society. Established in 1940, with a membership now comprising 160+ universities, colleges and scholarly associations, the Federation represents a diverse community of 85,000 researchers and graduate students across Canada. The Federation organizes Canada’s largest academic gathering, the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, bringing together more than 8,000 participants each year. For more information about the Federation, visit www.ideas-idees.ca.