In this webinar for Canadian scholars at any stage of their careers, presenters Stéphane Émard-Chabot, Jennifer Andrews and Chantal Richard provide an overview of the legal principles and processes used to assess defamation in the context of academic work.
Supplementary reading material:
An Introduction to Defamation Law: A resource for Canadian Scholars.

Artificial Intelligence law: the importance of fair regulation
← Big Thinking Podcast homepage Next episode → Description | About the guest | Transcript | Follow us Description Does ChatGPT, DALL-E and Midjourney ring a bell? These platforms are just a few examples of the many new artificial intelligence...

Abortion in Canada: how secure is our right?
← Big Thinking Podcast homepage Season 3 → Description | About the guest | Transcript | Follow us Description With the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court last year and recent bans on abortion procedures south of the border, it is...

Critique and Transformative Alternatives: Re-imagining Futures Within and Beyond the Global Pandemic
The Canada Association for the Study of International Development welcomed keynote speaker Dr. Jayati Ghosh at Congress 2022, presenting “Critique and Transformative Alternatives: Re-imagining Futures Within and Beyond the Global Pandemic.”