Status of Women in Canada on International Women’s Day 2010

March 5, 2010


Judy Rebick, Ryerson University

Guest Contributor

It is International Women’s Day 2010, forty years after the Report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women. A generation has passed, my generation.  In some ways, there has been a revolution in the status of women since that time. When I went to McGill University, just before the hearings of the Royal Commission, only 30 percent of the undergraduates were women and almost no professors or graduate students.  In four years of study at McGill, I never read a book written by a woman nor had a female professor. Abortion and information about birth control were illegal. Women were paid less than men for doing exactly the same job. There was only one woman in Parliament.

The Royal Commission broke new ground in women’s rights and human rights on a global level.  It recommended legalizing abortion, establishing a national child care programme, equal pay, and of course an increase the number of women in Parliament and in leadership positions in corporations and civil society. The burgeoning women’s movement took up the struggle and in the next decades won legal equality for women in the Charter, legal abortion, pay equity, employment equity, rights for Indian women, a stronger rape law, and established a network of women’s services across the country including rape crisis centres and women’s shelters.

And, perhaps most importantly, it helped to liberate women’s consciousness so that today young women believe that they can do anything and most men believe in gender equality, even if they don’t always practice it. With the exception of a national childcare programme, we achieved and surpassed the recommendations of the Royal Commission. So why have we stalled and in the last few years started to move backwards? 

A recent report written for the UN by the Canadian Labour Congress and FAFIA states, “in 2004 the World Economic Forum Gender Gap Index, Canada was ranked 7th. In the 2009 Gender Gap Index, Canada ranked 25th.” This drop in the status of women is not only due to a series of policy changes by the Harper government. It is also due to the impact of corporate globalization on social programme, poor people, workers and on the women’s movement itself.

While no doubt thousands of women and men will still join together to celebrate IWD 2010 and in some cities still go into the streets, there is little question that the women’s movement is a shadow of its former self. The strategy of second wave feminism was firmly rooted in the welfare state.  Women’s equality depended on social programmes like social assistance, women’s services and childcare. The neoliberal turn begun by Brian Mulroney in the 1980s and continued by every government since put not only the women’s movement itself but almost all the policies we had fought for under attack. It was no accident that the National Action Committee on the Status of Women was the first organization to protest Mulroney’s neoliberal turn towards free trade. NAC saw that the Free Trade Agreement with the United States would impact disproportionately on women, through loss of jobs and attacks on social programmes.

And women’s organizations themselves were under attack. It was not only because they were a strong voice against this right-wing turn but also the very idea that women’s advocacy groups should receive government funding was discredited by a conscious campaign organized by the Reform Party and anti-feminist organizations. Funding for women’s groups was a leftover from the 1960s when Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau saw the importance of funding groups without voice in the political process, partly no doubt to co-opt the powerful youth movement of his time. Nevertheless women’s groups did receive significant government funding and managed to maintain political independence despite it. NAC, for example, was prominent in opposing not only Mulroney’s economic policies but also his political plans, like the Meech Lake Accord and Charlottetown Accord. Canada’s most powerful women’s group had its funding cut several times beginning in the late 1980s.  It became a major target of attack by social conservatives who, today, hold government power.

While women’s groups began alternative funding plans after the first set of cuts in the late 1980s , there wasn’t enough time to make up for the depth of cuts that followed in the 1990s.  Women’s groups were forced to put their energy into fundraising and restructuring that at first took attention away from advocacy and then exerted a conservatising influence. It was the Liberal governments under Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin that used funding to influence women’s groups to focus on research and less on advocacy. Stephen Harper’s Conservative government cuts were the last nail in the coffin of the women’s advocacy that had won so many rights for women in Canada.

Some people have blamed the anti-racist struggle in NAC for the decline of the organization. I reject these arguments.  Instead, women of colour coming into leadership in NAC helped the organization remain vital long after it might have without the influx of new voices and activism. Moreover, the women’s movement remains the most diverse social movement and pioneered the process of change that is now influencing many other social organizations; those that remain white dominated will be left behind in the next rise of social struggles.

If neoliberalism is a major reason for the decline of the women’s movement then the persistence of patriarchy is the other. The continuing domination of men in almost all positions of power whether in government, corporations or media demonstrates the limits of the women’s movement in successfully transforming these institutions. Women’s objectification and infantilisation in advertising, and women’s continuing as the primary parent, despite significant changes in this regard in new generations,  is another sign of the limits of the challenges to patriarchy.

Perhaps it will take longer than we thought. Today, too many women in positions of power simply step into the shoes of men instead of seeing their role as one of transformation. Third wave feminists have emerged to challenge patriarchy in ways that my generation either stopped doing or failed to do at all.

The inter-locking systems of patriarchy, colonialism and capitalism maintain the oppression of women. There is only so far we can go without challenging all of them. That’s why I am thrilled to see the women’s movement become more global, more diverse, more radical and more integrated into other movements for social and environmental change. Even if in the short time, we are less effective in making change, in the long term the change will be deeper and broader.

Judy Rebick is CAW-Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University, and former president of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women in Canada.