Applications & eligibility

About the Scholarly Book Awards 
Information and applications for authors and publishers
Data collection and protection policy in the Implementation Plan for the ASPP
How to reach us 

About the Scholarly Book Awards

The Scholarly Book Awards, formally the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP), funds scholarly books in Canada that make important contributions to the humanities and social sciences. It is a competitive program that awards 180 Publication Grants of $8,000 and five Translation Grants of $30,000 annually (April 1 to March 31).  

Who can apply  

Canadian authors and publishers of scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences can apply for Scholarly Book Award grants. Please consult Information and applications for specific eligibility criteria, application guidelines, and other details. 

Why apply 

The awards exist to support and ensure the capacity to publish and translate high-quality Canadian monographs, scholarly books, and other long-form research publications. For authors and publishers, they provide meaningful pathways to success for their scholarly publications through critical funding for the translation or publication processes. 

The Federation continuously amplifies the work of Scholarly Book Awards-funded authors through outreach to our members and community. Our social media campaign #Bookmarkit features books from past award recipients. We also invite past recipients to share their Scholarly Book Awards stories with us, so we can amplify and celebrate your work.

Information and applications

For authors

Benefits of consulting a publisher

While authors are free to apply directly to the Scholarly Book Awards, many authors find it helpful to prepare their applications with publishers who are eligible to work with us. As this is a highly competitive program and all Scholarly Book Awards-funded works must be published by eligible publishers, authors often find it reassuring to know that an eligible publisher is already interested in their work. A committed publisher can help ensure that a work is ready for submission and gather peer review reports for inclusion in the application. 

For applications submitted by authors, the Scholarly Book Awards undertakes the peer review, which is a necessarily lengthy process. The Scholarly Book Awards cannot guarantee that a peer review will be completed within any specific time frame.

Please consult this list of eligible publishers.

Peer review and conflict-of-interest

All works submitted to the Scholarly Book Awards undergo a rigorous peer review process during which at least two peer reviewers provide detailed reports. To ensure an unbiased evaluation, the peer reviewers must conform to the ASPP’s conflict-of-interest guidelines (within the application). To facilitate a thorough evaluation, peer reviewers are asked to complete a report (within the application). 

Acknowledging support

If your work is awarded a Scholarly Book Awards grant, the following acknowledgement must appear in the introduction, preface, acknowledgements, or on the copyright page of the published work:

This book has been published with the help of a grant from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, through the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

For more information, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions below. 

Note on document titles 

Please be advised that all official documentation for the Scholarly Book Awards, including applications, utilizes the program’s official name of Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP). We encourage you to use the program’s moniker, Scholarly Book Awards, in any public-facing communications. 

A Scholarly Book Awards Publication Grant provides $8,000 to offset the cost of publication. Grants are approved in principle prior to publication and are paid following publication directly to the publisher.  

  • The guidelines and application package below outline the eligibility criteria and the application process in detail. Read them carefully before completing your application.  
  • Complete the application within the package. Details for submitting your application are enclosed. 

Publication grant applications are accepted and evaluated throughout the year. The preferred file format for email submissions is PDF. Applications must be complete at the time of submission. The Scholarly Book Awards reserves the right to return incomplete applications. 

Download the publication guidelines and application

A Scholarly Book Awards Translation Grant provides $30,000 to offset the cost of translation and publication. Grants are approved in principle prior to publication of the translation and are paid following publication directly to the publisher.  

  • The guidelines and application package below outline the eligibility criteria and the application process in detail. Read them carefully before completing your application.  
  • Complete the application within the package below electronically by typing your responses directly into the form. 

Some deadlines apply for Translation Grant applications. Please see the guidelines for details. The preferred file format for email submissions is PDF. Applications must be complete at the time of submission. The Scholarly Book Awards reserves the right to return incomplete applications. 

Download the translation guideline and application 

The deadline for submitting your translation application is June 15, 2024.

Please email if you have any questions.

For publishers 

Publisher eligibility

In order to receive funds, publishers must meet the Scholarly Book Awards Eligibility criteria for publishers in advance of submitting their first grant application. To become eligible, submit a cover letter – outlining how you meet each criterion along with any supporting documentation, such as financial statements and catalogues, necessary – to who will approve eligibility. Publishers only need to confirm eligibility once, though the Scholarly Book Awards reserves the right to request updated information as needed.

Peer review and conflict-of-interest

All works submitted to the Scholarly Book Awards undergo a rigorous peer review process during which at least two peer reviewers provide detailed reports. To ensure an unbiased evaluation, the peer reviewers must conform to the Scholarly Book Awards’ conflict-of-interest guidelines (within the application). To facilitate a thorough evaluation, peer reviewers are asked to complete a report (within the application). 

Acknowledging support

If your work is awarded an Scholarly Book Awards grant, the following acknowledgement must appear in the introduction, preface, acknowledgements, or on the copyright page of the published work:

This book has been published with the help of a grant from the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, through the Awards to Scholarly Publications Program, using funds provided by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

For more information, please refer to Frequently Asked Questions below. 

Requesting payment

All Scholarly Book Awards grants are approved in principle prior to publication. After publication, the publisher must complete and submit a Payment request form along with one copy of the published work bearing the appropriate acknowledgement. The grant will then be paid directly to the publisher. 

Note on document titles 

Please be advised that all official documentation for the Scholarly Book Awards, including applications, utilizes the program’s official name of Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP). We encourage you to use the program’s moniker, Scholarly Book Awards, in any public-facing communications. 

A Scholarly Book Awards Publication Grant provides $8,000 to offset the cost of publication. Grants are approved in principle prior to publication and are paid following publication directly to the publisher.  

  • The guidelines and application package below outline the eligibility criteria and the application process in detail. Read them carefully before completing your application.  
  • Complete the application within the package. Details for submitting your application are enclosed. 

Publication grant applications are accepted and evaluated throughout the year. The preferred file format for email submissions is PDF. Applications must be complete at the time of submission. The Scholarly Book Awards reserves the right to return incomplete applications. 

Download the publication guidelines and application

A Scholarly Book Awards Translation Grant provides $30,000 to offset the cost of translation and publication. Grants are approved in principle prior to publication of the translation and are paid following publication directly to the publisher.  

  • The guidelines and application package below outline the eligibility criteria and the application process in detail. Read them carefully before completing your application.  
  • Complete the application within the package below electronically by typing your responses directly into the form. 

Some deadlines apply for Translation Grant applications. Please see the guidelines for details. The preferred file format for email submissions is PDF. Applications must be complete at the time of submission. The Scholarly Book Awards reserves the right to return incomplete applications. 

Download the translation guideline and application

The deadline for submitting your translation application is June 15, 2024.

Please email if you have any questions.

Data collection and protection policy in the Implementation Plan for the ASPP 

The Federation collects self-identification data from its Scholarly Book Awards or Awards to Scholarly Publications Program applicants. You can learn about this in the Data Collection and Protection Policy here.

For more information, please email

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, in 2023, the ASPP was given the moniker: Scholarly Book Awards. It still goes by its official title, Awards to Scholarly Publication Program (ASPP) in formal documentation. 

Prior to 2012, the program was called the Aid to Scholarly Publications Program.

Under its new moniker, the Scholarly Book Awards continue to fund the publication and translation of scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences. 

There is no application deadline for Publication Grants. Publication Grant applications are accepted throughout the year. Some deadlines apply for Translation Grant applications. For more information, please consult the guidelines.

The Scholarly Book Awards support the publication and translation of scholarly books. Scholarly books are extended academic texts that display sound scholarship and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and research. To figure out whether a book is eligible, please consult the relevant sections above, Information for authors or Information for publishers, and review the grant guidelines.

Yes, the Scholarly Book Awards Translation Grant supports the translation of scholarly books written by Canadians that are being translated from English, French, or an Indigenous language spoken in Canada to one of those same languages. Please consult the relevant sections above, Information for authors or Information for publishers, and review the Translation Grant Guidelines.

Yes, the Scholarly Book Awards Publication Grant supports the publication of critical editions, critical bibliographies, reference works, and documentary collections. However, these works must include a significant analytical component that makes a contribution to scholarship, and a full scholarly and critical apparatus. Please consult the relevant sections above, Information for authors or Information for publishers, and review the Publication Grant Guidelines.

Yes, books by non-Canadians may be eligible for the Scholarly Book Awards Publication Grant, but only if they are on a Canadian subject and use Canadian sources. Otherwise, Scholarly Book Awards-funded books must be written or edited by Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. For collective works – collections of individually-signed articles – at least half the principal editing team and half of the contributors must be Canadian.

Yes, the Scholarly Book Awards accepts applications by email. The preferred file format is PDF. Please send electronic applications to the email address found at the end of the application form. Please consult the relevant sections above, Information for authors or Information for publishers, and review the “Applying for a Publication Grant” or “Applying for a Translation Grant” sections.

No. A work must be complete before it can be considered for Scholarly Book Awards funding.

The Scholarly Book Awards is a competitive program and funding is awarded according to the Scholarly Book Awards' mandate to assist the publication of books of advanced scholarship in the humanities and social sciences that make important contributions to knowledge. The Scholarly Book Awards' Publications Committee assesses all Publication Grant applications and scores them on scale. (For the complete assessment scale, please consult the relevant sections above, Information for authors or Information for publishers, and link to the Publication Grant guidelines). Applications will be ranked according to the Publications Committee’s score and the top-ranking applications will be approved. Applications scored within a given calendar month will be ranked along with other applications scored in that month. Top-ranking applications will be approved and the others will be declined.

All Scholarly Book Awards grants are paid to a book’s publisher after publication.

All Scholarly Book Awards grants are awarded per book. If a book has been approved to receive a Scholarly Book Awards grant, the grant will be paid out to any publisher eligible to receive Scholarly Book Awards funds, even if it is not the publisher that was involved during the application process.

Yes, the Scholarly Book Awards is “format neutral” and its grants can support Open Access books, provided all the other eligibility criteria are met. The Federation supports Open Access and has established a policy to actively promote and facilitate Open Access publishing of Scholarly Book Awards-funded books.

No, Scholarly Book Awards-funded books must be published in Canada since Scholarly Book Awards grants are only paid out to eligible Canadian publishers. Please see the "Information for publishers" section for details about publisher eligibility.

No. Scholarly Book Awards grants support the publication and/or translation of scholarly books. For more information on research funding, contact the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

No, the Scholarly Book Awards supports the publication of books only.

The Canada Prizes are awarded annually to the best scholarly books in the humanities and social sciences that have received funding from the Scholarly Book Awards.
If you have additional questions, email

How to reach us

If you are submitting an application to the Scholarly Book Awards to support publishing or translating a book, please email us at

  • A PDF of the completed application form; and 
  • all of the items listed at the end of the form, in electronic format.

If you are submitting a payment request for a published book that received funding from the Scholarly Book Awards, please email us at

  • A PDF or picture of the Acknowledgements page including the ISBN;
  • a photo of the book so that we can “see” a hard copy of the final product;
  • the signed Payment Request Form as a PDF; and 
  • any other supporting documentation in electronic format.

Please keep a hard copy of the book aside, as we will ask you to send it to us when mail service and delivery services are restored.