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The Federation blog is a space for Federation members and researchers in the humanities and social sciences to respectfully discuss ideas and issues of importance to the community. Please review the Federation's blog policy for submission information.

Un avant-goût du Congrès 2016
Fraîchement débarquée sur le campus de la University of Calgary pour la Réunion de planification du Congrès 2016, mon regard se pose en premier sur les couleurs d’automne. Nous sommes le mercredi 30 septembre 2015 et des milliers de feuilles...

Congress 2016 – A taste of what’s to come
On arriving at the University of Calgary campus for the Congress 2016 Planning Meeting, I was immediately struck by the brilliant fall colours. It was Wednesday, September 30, 2015, and thousands of multicoloured leaves carpeted the beautiful grounds...

Back to school: What is the media saying?
As Media Officer at the Federation, I monitor “back to school” media every September to get a snapshot of what dominates current debates and conversations in the postsecondary education (PSE) sector, and what some of the biggest priorities and...

Stephen Toope: Reconciliation begins by closing the graduation gap
This op-ed was published in The Globe and Mail on August 31, 2015. As millions of Canadian young people gear up for a return to classrooms this fall, the “back to school” rallying cry is ubiquitous – in advertising, in media headlines and in...

Des nouvelles méthodes d’apprentissage pour « Imaginer l’avenir du Canada »
Pour continuer à prospérer au XXI e siècle, le Canada doit être proactif et réfléchir collectivement à ses possibilités d’avenir afin d’être en mesure d’anticiper ses besoins comme société et en matière de connaissances, ainsi que les enjeux auxquels...

The Utility of History: Perspectives on International Development
Don’t say history doesn’t have the power to change the future. At Congress 2015, Historians of Humanitarian Aid held a panel on the "utility of history" in today’s development in the Global South. Jill Campbell-Miller of St. Mary’s University...

Roundtable: Working in Public History
The work of public historians can take many different forms, some quite unexpected. A roundtable discussion at Congress 2015 focused on the different roles that public historians take in their work. Jennifer Anderson of Library and Archives Canada...

Who is telling our stories? Canadian millennials in literature and the humanities
On July 14, Go Set a Watchman will be released to the general public, a sequel of sorts to Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Few works of literature have had a more profound role in shaping conversations on race in the 20th century than To Kill a...

Reconciling multiculturalism
Canada is often viewed as a diverse, welcoming nation comprised of immigrants from around the world, a reputation built on the embracing of “multiculturalism” as an approach to immigration and citizenship. Emerging as a policy framework in 1971, the...