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The Federation blog is a space for Federation members and researchers in the humanities and social sciences to respectfully discuss ideas and issues of importance to the community. Please review the Federation's blog policy for submission information.

Membership recruitment and retention strategies

How can Academics and NGOs work together? Some smart new ideas
This blog first appeared in oxfamblogs.org and is reposted with the author’s permission. It reviews a new report published by Carnegie Trust in the UK, underscoring how academics and NGOs might better work together to affect policy and practice...

2017 pre-budget submission: Research drives innovation and growth
As part of the federal government’s pre-budget consultation process, the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is recommending significant investments to strengthen research, experiential learning and Indigenous academic inclusion. Read...

Shifts Happen
It is always nice to start the new academic year on a bit of a high, not always easy given enrollment challenges, coping with an election that has lasted longer than some prime ministerial terms, and being bombarded with Gradgrindingly Wente-esque...

Who is telling our stories? Canadian millennials in literature and the humanities
On July 14, Go Set a Watchman will be released to the general public, a sequel of sorts to Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird. Few works of literature have had a more profound role in shaping conversations on race in the 20th century than To Kill a...

Helping seniors in the suburbs
Visit Innovation.ca for more stories about humanities and social science research supported by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). By funding state-of-the-art research infrastructure in all disciplines and across the full spectrum of research...

First World War shaped values of Canadian children: author
Susan Fisher says writing Boys and Girls in No Man’s Land: English-Canadian Children and the First World War had an unexpected personal benefit: It helped her understand the world in which her parents grew up. Fisher, whose book has won this year’s...

Social impact of diversity: Potentials and challenges in Canada
Jeffrey G. Reitz, University of Toronto Guest Contributor Multiculturalism has been a cornerstone of Canadian policy for almost 40 years, but internationally, particularly since 9/11 and in light of inter-ethnic conflicts in Europe resulting from...

« L’égalité-déjà-là » dans une société post féministe?
Louise Langevin, Université Laval, Québec Article invité Il y a quelques années, la féministe française Christine Delphy avait dénoncé l’idée qu’elle voyait poindre : « L’égalité-déjà-là » pour les femmes. Puisque les femmes étaient présentes dans...