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The Federation blog is a space for Federation members and researchers in the humanities and social sciences to respectfully discuss ideas and issues of importance to the community. Please review the Federation's blog policy for submission information.
2017 pre-budget submission: Research drives innovation and growth
As part of the federal government’s pre-budget consultation process, the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is recommending significant investments to strengthen research, experiential learning and Indigenous academic inclusion. Read...
Smart Ideas: Q&A Joel Westheimer talks education and democratic citizenship
This series sponsored by the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences features notable humanities and social sciences researchers with smart ideas for a better tomorrow. This month we speak to Joel Westheimer, who holds the University...
Anne of Tim Hortons: Globalization and the Reshaping of Atlantic-Canadian Literature
The Awards to Scholarly Publications Program (ASPP) was founded in 1941. As part of the celebrations of the ASPP’s 75 th anniversary in 2016, members of the ASPP’s Academic Council as well as other noted scholars will be contributing to the Bookmark...
We can no longer overlook innovation's human dimension
This op-ed was published in The HIll Times on July 4, 2016 It is reassuring to see the subject of innovation emerge once again in conversations across Canada. As evidenced by the recent announcement by Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains, Science...
One Child Reading: My Auto-Bibliography
When I begin explaining my book One Child Reading to people, everybody asks the same question: “How do you remember all those things you read as a child?” It’s a reasonable point to raise. In collecting as many as possible of the books and other...
Workshop panelists offer sage advice on expanding your research methodologies
During their June 1st Career Corner workshop at Congress 2016 Can we all get along? Bridging the quantitative-qualitative divide (hosted by SAGE Publishing and the Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences), Professors Alex Clark (University...
Margaret Atwood: Compassion under contemporary conditions
How can you describe a talk by Canadian literary icon and living legend Margaret Atwood? To do it true justice would take the literary chops of Ms. Atwood herself, something I will never claim to have. What I can say is that she is an intellectual...
De l’ordre et de l’aventure. La poésie au Québec de 1934 à 1944
Le Prix d’auteurs pour l’édition savante (PAES) a été créé en 1941. Dans le cadre des célébrations du 75e anniversaire du programme en 2016, les membres du Conseil scientifique du PAES ainsi que d’autres érudits réputés contribueront à la série de...
Research methods: The right tool for each job
Some years ago, two great research traditions arose in social and behavioral science: talking to people and gathering data and numbers about people. A hybrid tradition, which goes by various names but which we’ll call ‘mixed methods,’ arose in the...