Today at Congress - May 20

Welcome to the last day of Congress!

It has been an incredible 10 days and on behalf of the Federation, thank you for joining us at Congress 2022! There are still a few live events you can attend today, and don't forget to come back and watch archived events until June 3!

Today's highlighted events

Guest Speaker - Bounthavy Suvilay 

Canadian Society for the Study of Comics (CSSC) 

May 20, 2022 | 11:00 - 12:00 EDT 

Complicating Race in the Study of Mental and Physical Health 

Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) 

May 20, 2022 | 11:00 - 12:30 EDT  

Madly off in all Directions: Canadian Cities and the Prospects for a Just and Sustainable Transition 

Environmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC) 

May 20, 2022 | 11:30 - 13:00 EDT

Comics in the classroom

University of Toronto Press

May 20, 2022 | 13:00 - 14:30 EDT 

“But, where are you really from?"  

Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) 

May 20, 2022 | 13:00 - 14:00 EDT 

Watch archived sessions on the platform

Did you miss a Congress session? No worries. Most lectures and events will get archived on the platform until June 3. Go back in the open event or association auditoriums, click on the session date and the View Archive button.

New on the Congress blog

Beyond impact to engaged research and publication in HSS

By Shelina Adatia, PhD Candidate, University of Ottawa

While HSS scholarship advances community life, and promotes diversity and inclusivity of scholarship, publication options that fully accommodate scholars’ publication ambitions aren’t always available. Impact — the who/what/why of research design — is not always fully embedded in the research process across the lifetime of a project. Read more.

Disabling Philosophy in the Canadian Context

By Dave Hazzan, PhD candidate in History at York University

Among the many fascinating insights shared, a key takeaway was that disability is not something that just exists like the air — it is manufactured, has ideologies, and is a source of oppression that must be overcome. Read more.

Petrocultures: Reflections on 10 years of research and advocacy for a world in crisis

By Dave Hazzan, PhD candidate in History at York University

In Congress 2022’s fourth and final Big Thinking lecture, co-founders of the Petrocultures Research Group Szeman and Wilson discussed the concept of the “petroculture,” and how our understanding of it could help us transition to a decarbonized and more just society. Read more.

View all Congress blog articles

Meet our CGMA recipients

The Congress Graduate Merit Award (CGMA) facilitates the participation of graduate students in Congress activities. Every day, we profile recipients and their research presentation. Congratulations to all of them!

  • Emilia Ganslandt - Ph.D. student, Queen's University. Presenting today with the Environmental Studies Association of Canada at 13:30 EDT.

Keeping Congress safe and fun

Golden bookmark game

Stop by the Congress Expo for your chance to find a Golden Bookmark! Strike a conversation with an exhibitor and ask for your digital bookmark link. While most of the bookmarks will be regular, a select few randomly dispersed Golden Bookmarks will be redeemable for a grand prize and a number of gift cards.

*Be sure to tell your members to visit as many exhibitors’ booths as they can to better their chance of collecting a winning bookmark!* 

Enter our social media giveaway!

Event bag sponsored by Sage Publishing

The Congress 2022 virtual event bag is filled with souvenirs, info from sponsors, partners and academic journals. Here's a sneak peek of what you will find:

  • A Congress 2022 name badge – to remember your virtual experience
  • An Congress out-of-office email template – to notify your contacts that you're at Congress
  • Information about the Federation, our programs and initiatives

Congress support  

There are several ways to connect with us during Congress. Check out the options below:

  • If you have questions or if you want to add another association conference onto your registration, we can help! Find us at the Registration/Information Booth by selecting Registration/Information from the Federation Hall tab at the top of each page or in the Lobby.
  • Need association conference questions answered? You will find your association at their association greeting lounge. You can find your association by locating it from Association Hall A or B found under Associations. 
  • Need technical help? Ask Forj by selecting “Live Support” from the upper right corner of your screen and the Forj team will be there to answer your questions. Available from 8:00 to close each day.

Important contact information

Registration questions –

General inquiries – or 613-238-6112 x320

When reaching out to a member of the Congress team for support, please do so with respect and patience. Our team will do their best to respond and provide support in a timely manner. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Congress Ombuds  

Ensuring that all Congress attendees enjoy their conference and events free from discrimination, harassment and bullying is our top priority. If you have concerns about the conduct of an attendee, please reach out to the Congress Ombuds Team at, who will provide support, explore options and find appropriate solutions in an independent, neutral, confidential, and safe manner.

Ombuds are available from May 12 - 20 from 8:30 to 16:30 EDT. Same-day responses will be provided during these hours; off-hour inquiries will be addressed the next day.

In partnership with 

Social Science Humanities and Research Council | Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines 


Canada Foundation of Innovation | Foundation canadienne pour l'innovation 

Universities Canada| Universités Canada