Yasmine Bouzaaboun

Communications Officer

Yasmine Bouzaaboun is the Federation's Communication Officer.

Prior to joining the Federation, Yasmine worked as a Program Coordinator at the University of Ottawa, as well as a Literary Agent for the Moroccan author Souad Jamai.

Yasmine holds a Bachelor in Political Science and International Relations from the International University of Rabat and wrote her thesis on the art of worldmaking in science fiction using an epistemology lens. She holds a Master's Degree in Communications, specialized in the theory of media from the University of Ottawa and recently completed a Certificate in Digital Marketing from York University School of Continuing Studies.

Yasmine speaks English, French, Arabic and Spanish.

In her free time, you'll find her playing video games, readings books, listening to music or enjoying the outdoors. 

Contact Yasmine about: 

  • Social media
  • Big Thinking Podcast 
  • Blog
  • Federation website
  • Monthly Communiqué

Contact information

Email: ybouzaaboun(at)federationhss.ca