Academic group supports Chief Spence and Idle No More

2 janvier 2013

idle-no-moreA group of academics have issued an open letter to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and to Governor General David Johnston to express their solidarity with Chief Theresa Spence and the Idle No More movement.

The letter can be read online in English, French and Spanish, and the group has also launched a Facebook group, Academics in Solidarity with Chief Theresa Spence, which has more than 1,600 followers.

Today is Day 23 of Chief Spence’s hunger strike. Leader of the Attawapiskat First Nation, she has called on Prime Minister Harper and the Governor General to meet with Aboriginal leaders to “initiate immediate discussions and the development of action plans to address treaty issues with First Nations across Canada.” Challenges faced by First Nations communities include housing, education and the use of natural resources.


Photo by r.a. paterson, via Wikimedia Commons