Equity matters at Congress 2011

26 mai 2011

With Congress 2011 officially launching tomorrow at the University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University in Fredericton, we're giving you a sneak preview of the Equity Issues content that will be going on throughout the week.

Under the theme "Transforming the Academy: Indigenous Education," the Federation's Equity Issues Portfolio, under the leadership of VP Equity Issues Malinda Smith, has pulled together a stellar line up of speakers and panels.

A Big Thinking lecture on May 30 with Chief Shawn Atleo starts off the programming, at which he will share his vision for an accessible, equitable and supportive post-secondary education system.

Later that afternoon will be a panel featuring Aboriginal leaders in conversation on education. 

Udloriak Hanson (Special Advisor to the President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami), Betty Ann Lavallée (National Chief, Congress of Aboriginal Peoples), Marie Battiste (University of Saskatchewan), Jo-ann Archibald (University of British Columbia), and David Newhouse (Trent University) will reflect on their experiences and imagine what the future will hold for Aboriginal peoples.

On May 31,we will explore Indigenous knowledge and Indigenizing the academy with experts from across Canada, including Kiera Ladner (University of Manitoba), Dwayne Donald (University of Alberta), Shanne McCaffrey (University of Victoira), D’Arcy Vermette (St. Thomas University) and Andrea Bear Nicholas (St. Thomas University).

Susan Aglukark (Distinguished Scholar in Residence, University of Alberta), Maria Campbell (Athabasca University; Trudeau mentor) Patricia Doyle-Bedwell (Dalhousie University; Chair, Nova Scotia Advisory Council on Status of Women), and Isabel Altamirano-Jiménez (University of Alberta) will explore ideas around mentoring and supporting the next generation of academic leaders on June 1.

Our final session, Equity in Times of Economic Crisis, will consider the opportunities and challenges around achieving equity in times of economic upheaval. Participants include Aloke Chatterjee (University of New Brunswick), Donna Pennee (University of Western Ontario) David Perley (University of New Brunswick and St. Thomas University) and Len Findlay (University of Saskatchewan), with Malinda Smith (University of Alberta, CFHSS VP Equity Issues) chairing the discussion.

We look forward to seeing you at these events at Congress 2011! For all the details on the times and locations, visit our calendar of events. Many thanks to our sponsors, who have lent their support to various events to make this series available to all:

  • Athabasca University
  • The Deans of Arts and Humanities, Social Science, and Health Sciences, University of Western Ontario
  • The Office of the Provost/VP Academic, University of Alberta
  • The Office of the Provost/VP Academic, University of Victoria

And thanks to our organizing partners, who joined with us to coordinate some of the series:

  • Canadian Society of the Study of Education
  • Canadian Association for the Study of Indigenous Education
  • Canadian Sociological Association
  • Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research